Glendale Environmental Coalition has officially endorsed LA County Measure GCC

Glendale Environmental Coalition has officially endorsed LA County Measure GCC

The November, 2024 ballot includes Measure GCC which would authorize the Glendale Community College District to issue $600,000,000 in bonds with bond revenue going to fund school improvements and requiring an estimated property tax levy of $25 per $100,000 in assessed value.

GEC toured the main GCC campus to understand current conditions, and to learn about proposed improvements to occur there, as well as on the Garfield and Montrose campuses. Upon completing the tour, and reviewing the written bond measure, GEC voted to endorse the measure as the improvements to the campuses are significant and include many alignments with GEC’s values and objectives.

The following are proposed improvements which are consistent with GEC objectives and will considerably improve environmental conditions:

  • Construct, develop, acquire and install solar photovoltaic panels and systems which may include shade canopies over walkways, outdoor areas, parking areas and lunch shelters.
  • Replace existing obsolete and inefficient buildings with modern facilities which will be developed in a manner consistent with LEED Silver specifications. These include interior and exterior LED lighting and interior light sensing controls to respond to available daylight and occupancy, upgrades from single to dual pane windows; optimized window designs to capture natural light; a high quality performance envelope and air economizers to reduce energy consumption and indoor air quality; HVAC system sensors to maintain peak efficiency and correct ventilation; low flow water fixtures and use of reclaimed water for toilet flushing.
  • Upgrade water systems for safe drinking water and bottle refilling stations
  • Tie more facilities into GCC’s highly efficient chilled water distribution system which handles most of the campus’ cooling needs;
  • Improve access for students with disabilities;
  • Remove asbestos, mold and lead;
  • Complete earthquake upgrades;
  • Develop Urban farming area at Garfield campus

We will advocate for GCC to develop shared (community accessible) green space at Garfield campus; use innovative permeable parking systems at Garfield campus to collect stormwater and increase cooling (where feasible); upgrade electrical panels to electrify the central chiller plants at Verdugo Campus; consider upgraded amenities and connectivity for bus riders and cyclists and connectivity to Glendale’s proposed city-wide bicycle plan; replace artificial turf areas at Verdugo campus with any new improvements of those areas; and include stormwater capture, solar and tree canopy improvements with any new facilities at Montrose Campus.

Additional LInks:
“Measure GCC on November Ballot” – Crescenta Valley Weekly

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