Transform Your Yard to a Residential Green Zone with the American Green Zone Alliance

Learn about the health and environmental dangers of gas-powered maintenance equipment, how to find a list of green landscapers or transition your landscapers away from gas to electric maintenance equipment, how to find rebates for transitioning to electric powered equipment, tips on reducing the use of chemicals, being water wise, mulching, composting, selecting regional native plant choices for your garden, and how to find landscaping companies that offer best practices for fertilizing, weed, and pest control.

Speaker: Dan Mabe of the American Green Zone Alliance

Dan Mabe is the Founder and President at American Green Zone Alliance ( AGZA educates the public and trains professionals on low impact maintenance operations, using electric instead of gas-powered equipment to reduce emissions and noise pollution, and non-toxic approaches to fertilizing and caring for lawns to reduce impacts on our planet.

Virtual Program Date and Time
Sunday, September 12, at 3pm



American Green Zone Alliance:

Looking for Green Gardening Services? AGZA Service Professionals List:

Residential Rebate! South Coast Air Quality Management District – RESIDENTIAL Electric Lawnmower Rebate Program

Commercial Rebate! South Coast Air Quality Management District – COMMERCIAL Electric Lawn & Garden Equipment Rebate Program

Commercial Rebate Flyers: Flyer in Spanish and Flyer in English

Bill to Phase Out Gas-Powered Landscaping Equipment Passes Legislature (9-9-2021): Read Article

Video Overview: SCAQMD Commercial Electric Lawn & Garden Equipment Program in SoCal

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