This week at the Sustainability Commission: Climate Action and Adaptation Plan Draft Measures and Actions; Building Electrification Update; Report on Environmental Purchasing Policy

This week at the Sustainability Commission: Climate Action and Adaptation Plan Draft Measures and Actions; Building Electrification Update; Report on Environmental Purchasing Policy
The City of Glendale’s Organics Recycling Program has officially begun! Read our post to learn more, get some questions answered and consider the various other ways you can most sustainably manage your organic waste.
In this webinar, recorded June, 27, 2021, guest speakers from City of Glendale Integrated Waste, along with GEC Moderator and Vermicomposter Monica Campagna, talk about ways to manage organic waste, whether you live in an apartment, condo, or house.
Sustainability Commission Agenda includes Regulation of Disposable Foodware Accessories, Appointment of (non-voting) Student Commission Members, Just Transition to Clean Energy, Intern Projects, Climate Action Plan update and more.
The Glendale Environmental Coalition is pleased to partner with the Sierra Club, Verdugo Hills Chapter, to bring you a free four-part educational series to help our community find environmentally-sound solutions for different aspects of both yard care and managing resources. Topics will include composting and organic waste management, strategizing your landscaping choices to resist wildfire, utilizing grey water systems to water your yard, and techniques for eco-friendly landscaping and yard maintenance.