This week at the GWP Commission: E3 / Wildan present Plan to Increase Solar Adoption and Develop Additional Distributed Energy Resources

This week at the GWP Commission: E3 / Wildan present Plan to Increase Solar Adoption and Develop Additional Distributed Energy Resources
The proposed solar project at the Sports Complex is one of six, phase-one City Owned Solar projects that will help generate local clean energy in Glendale. The canopy solar at the Sports Complex parking lot will have a 1,343 kW capacity, generating over 2 million kWh of clean solar energy annually and provide shade (a bonus!) for parked cars.
City Council, 2 PM: \Garden River Bridge Project; 6 PM: Scholl Canyon Perimeter Fencing Replacement Project; CalReycle Application; Ordinance to Prohibit the Use, Distribution and Sale of Polystyrene Products on a Citywide Basis; GWP 2023 Electric Rates Cost of Service Analysis (COSA); Grayson Repowering Project related contracts; City Owned Solar Development Program – Phase 1 Award of Contracts
City Council has TWO sessions this Tuesday. 2 PM: Dog Park at Parking Lot 11; 6 PM: Community Beautification Project, Fremont Park, Solar PV at 8 City-owned Sites
3 PM: Citywide Bicycle Detection Technology; 6 PM: Dunsmore Park Improvements Project, 2023 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Curb Ramp Installation and Sidewalk Repair Program, Streamlining the Historic District Designation Process, Solar Energy on City Owned Properties & RFP for Six Proposed Project Sites
This week at the GWP Commission, a report on Solar and Storage Development at City Owned Properties.
This week at City Council: Traffic Signals, Fuel Kiosks, Beeline Facility Rooftop Solar, Shared Mobility Contract, contract award for Owner’s Engineering services for solar energy and storage development at City-owned properties, and to study the impact of distributed energy projects on the City’s electrical grid. Also, first meeting of the Sustainability Commission (plus commission agenda and links)