Take the California Clean Air Pledge!

Clean Air Day is October 6, 2021, and the Glendale Environmental Coalition is joining more than 600 organizations asking members to take one or more actions that day to improve air quality.

Join other GEC members and take the clean air pledge. It’s simple! You can walk or take public transit instead of drive, change your air filter, plant a tree, switch out gas-powered landscape equipment for electric, etc.

Click to pledge!

Help GEC stand out as a clean air champion!

And after pledging your personal actions, you can watch our webinar with the American Green Zone Alliance on transitioning to electric landscaping equipment. You can make a state-wide impact and email Governor Newsom to sign AB 1386, a bill that would phase out the sale of certain types of gas powered landscaping equipment and provide funding for people to transition to electric (learn more.) and you can urge your local school district or city to do the same. (Read more about how Glendale is doing so.)

The Coalition for Clean Air, which started Clean Air Day, has been working to improve air quality in California since 1971.

GEC has been working to stop gas-burning electricity generation at Glendale’s Grayson Power Plant since 2017.

In 2018, GEC took steps toward cleaner air and cleaner energy when we convinced the Glendale City Council to direct Glendale Water and Power to pursue solar, battery storage, and other clean energy options. A new proposal by Glendale Water and Power, released on August 31, 2021, for public comment, still includes about 100 MW of gas-burning generation. It’s still bad for local air quality, and bad for the climate.

Join us in taking the Clean Air Pledge on October 6!

This is our custom link:  https://www.cleanairday.org/pledge/individual/glendaleeco/

This is our custom QR Code:

#CleanAirDayCA #ClearTheAir


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