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The Grayson Repowering Project is back, in different form (with 93 MW–101 MW of new or refurbished gas-burning equipment in GWP’s preferred scenarios). Two years have passed without the city doing solicitations we’ve requested for additional clean energy projects to fulfill future needs. And now, in an urgent rush, the Partially Recirculated Draft Environmental Impact Report (PR-DEIR) is coming to various commissions for review and then to City Council for approval. We repeat, there have been no new clean energy projects put on the table in over two years. The proposal coming to council now is for the same amount of gas as proposed two years ago, when council specifically requested GWP come back to them with new options to reduce the gas.
It is time for the community to speak out once again, to push our city to pursue additional clean energy solutions instead of potentially investing in what could quite possibly be the last new gas burning equipment purchased in the state of California. Make sure you join our Action Network List and please reach out to us if you would like to get involved. We need our community to insist on better solutions in the face of the existential climate crisis already causing suffering in our State and around the globe. We have envisioned and FORGED a new, better, healthier, reliable, more economically sound path once, moving our utility from their initial 262 MW proposed gas project. We must continue that work now.
We must insist that our city spend our public funds on projects that will allow for a livable future.
Public Comments In Support of Clean Energy Will Be Needed.
Joint Glendale Water and Power Commission and Sustainability Special Meeting on September 9, 2021
Link to to Partially Recirculated Draft EIR
Public Comments on the PR-DEIR period ends October 8, 2021
City Council on November 16, 2021
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