We are thankful for President Joe Biden’s April 24 statement from the White House officially and properly recognizing the Armenian genocide.

We sincerely appreciate this as a step to provide some comfort and relief to our Armenian members, neighbors, and friends in Glendale who are grieving over the historical genocide and Armenia’s recent losses during the unjust aggression launched against Artsakh by Azerbaijan and Turkey.

As Councilmember Ara Najarian stated during the 2021 virtual Armenian genocide commemoration produced by the City of Glendale, the aggressors used money from fossil fuel profits to purchase destructive and internationally banned weaponry, and used them to indiscriminately target not only military defenders, but also civilians and cultural sites.

We have a moral obligation to condemn all genocides and to hold perpetrators accountable. Thank you to Councilmember Vrej Agajanian for concluding the city’s program with a call to action: “We need to do better as citizens of the world, to be a voice for people whose shouts for justice are being silenced!”

Image Credit: Serouj Ourishian – Wikipedia Commons / Creative Commons License

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