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Tonight -- Tuesday, November 19 at 6 pm -- at CITY COUNCIL -- we will hear from consultant E3, hired by the city to help us come up with a plan to increase solar, storage and demand response in our City to prepare for our move to 100% Clean Energy in 2035. E3 not only did not provide an effective plan or offer dates or suggestions on the best pathway to fill our gap with local clean energy, they actually worked very hard to undermine the value of solar - suggesting the City move away from Net Energy Metering, which provides customers with a fair value for the solar they are producing that goes back to the grid and incentivizes the adoption of solar. Thankfully GWP is keeping Net Energy Metering for now - as they realize it would hurt adoption rates, basically doing the reverse of what the City hired them to do.Tonight, we will hear a lot of fallacies about "cost-shift" - the notion that solar adoption increases rates for non-solar adopters. This way of thinking completely ignores the very real benefits to all residents that rooftop and carport solar provide. This study linked debunks the claims mentioned in the staff report tonight, and reveals their faulty accounting and assumptions. HERE are a few ways that solar benefits everyone here in Glendale - whether you have invested in a system or not.- REDUCES PEAK LOAD = REDUCED INFRASTRUCTURE COSTS FOR ALL - Reducing the amount of energy we need to distribute when all of our ACs are running at the same time on those hot summer nights, reduces the amount of expensive infrastructure that needs to be built to serve that expensive peak load. Building infrastructure is the key driver for rate increases here in Glendale.- KEEPS LOADS FLAT - As we electrify and helps prevent wear and tear on the overall system (which saves money). Think of solar as a gigantic mechanism for energy efficiency. It's the same thing. Incentivizing more efficient appliances for multi-family does the same thing ... reduces the load the utility has to serve. Huge installs which make up about 11.2 MW currently and include the Galleria, Disney and most GUSD campuses mean that this load does not have to be served by Glendale's system. The 18 .1 MW currently generated by single-family rooftop solar does the same thing. As we electrify and load goes up, including the electrons we use during the day to power homes and businesses and charge our cars - those solar installs help keep all this rising load flat. Now, in addition to growing solar, what we should be focused on it incentivizing the best time to plug things in so that they make the best use of that solar.- CLEANER AIR - Solar and Solar + Storage create no emissions affecting over-burdened areas of town. Plus, there are no limits to how much they can be utilized beyond what they can create and store. No pollution issues. And of course, there are no climate warming CO2 emissions.- USED to SERVE LOAD FOR ALL - Excess solar that we generate here can be stored at Grayson in the big 75 MW battery going there. This energy will be used to serve all GWP customers. People should be compensated for that energy they are giving to fill that battery. GWP will say that they can fill that battery with energy from transmission ; however they will need local solar to fill additional distributed batteries that will be needed in strategic locations to provide the capacity we need as we stop using gas in 2035. They will need both. Solar provided by residents can be combined with the solar generated/owned by the City on City properties and the solar generated through power purchase agreements with commercial property owners. All of this is solar, stored in batteries, will be relied upon by the ENTIRE CITY during peak summer events and daily, as needed. - AVOIDED GAS PURCHASES: Paying people a small compensation for their electrons to put in GWP's batteries to serve load is likely less than paying for the gas to fill those new ICE units to serve load!- AVOIDED EXPENSIVE SPOT MARKET PURCHASES: Stored solar can be used instead of GWP having to make expensive spot market energy purchases during peak events.- RESILIENCY...HELPS KEEP THE LIGHTS ON! Solar paired with storage, strategically located throughout the City, provides resiliency. If a sub-station serving a particular neighborhood goes out, and there is a battery connected to serve that area, people would still have power and a chance to power down to the essentials to make it last.Interested to see how this cost-shift fallacy is debunked regarding statewide savings from solar generation? Please give the article a quick read.This is item 8b. Come in person to speak or call in: (818) 548-2090 Agenda / Live Stream:
We correct the Public Advocates Office’s estimated $8.5 billion “cost shift” by updating the retail rates and solar output, setting aside self generation, accounting for saved uti...
Tonight at the Sustainability Commission - Plastic Reduction - What's next? 11/7/24
Photos from Glendale Office of Sustainability's post