City Council, 6 PM: 2023 Power Content Label; Glendale Water and Power, re: Plan to Increase Glendale Water and Power (GWP) Customer Solar Adoption and Develop Additional Distributed Energy Resources (E3 Study)
This week at the GWP Commission: E3 / Wildan present Plan to Increase Solar Adoption and Develop Additional Distributed Energy Resources
The proposed solar project at the Sports Complex is one of six, phase-one City Owned Solar projects that will help generate local clean energy in Glendale. The canopy solar at the Sports Complex parking lot will have a 1,343 kW capacity, generating over 2 million kWh of clean solar energy annually and provide shade (a bonus!) for parked cars.
City Council, 6 PM: 2024 Integrated Resource Proposal, Brand Boulevard Complete Streets Project, Grant for 3 Electric Beeline Buses
City Council, 6 PM: Discussion of pathways selected to study for 2024 Integrated Resource Plan (Note & File Item); PSA to develop the Glendale Recycling Facility Master Plan for 2025-2045 (Consent Item)
City Council, 6 PM: Item 8A, Professional Services Agreement with Energy and Environmental Economics, Inc. (E3) to assist Glendale Water and Power (GWP) with the Development of a Plan to Increase Solar Penetration and Develop Additional Distributed Energy Resources (DER)