This week at the GWP Commission: Customer Service Update, Water Supply Report, GWP Budget Presentation, Summer Readiness (High Heat) Report

This week at the GWP Commission: Customer Service Update, Water Supply Report, GWP Budget Presentation, Summer Readiness (High Heat) Report
Glendale City Council votes unanimously to move forward with Glendale joining the Race to Zero campaign. Council members raise various subjects including increasing EV charging in Glendale, potential city support for a state-wide ban on gas-powered landscaping equipment, and a potential ordinance to prevent excessive light pollution.
CITY COUNCIL RECAP Special Meeting, 2PM, September 22, 2020 COMMERCIAL SOLAR MOTION MOVES FORWARD! City Council unanimously voted today to direct staff to explore hiring a consultant team to determine the feasibility of adopting a commercial solar PV requirement, and looking at a range of “reach codes” to include building electrification, battery storage and additional energy efficiency including cool roofs to make our buildings more energy efficient and reduce green house…