City Council, 6 PM: Item 7A, Ordinance Amending Title 8 of the Glendale Municipal Code, to Add Chapter 8.50 Prohibiting the Use of Gas-Powered Leaf Blowers; Item 8A, Fremont Park Renovation Contract (includes artificial turf sports field.)
Glendale Environmental Coalition Celebrates New Funding for K-12 California Schools to Purchase and Install Dishwashers to Reduce Waste
Tuesday, January 31, 2023 @ 6PM Glendale City Council will vote to adopt the Plastic Waste Reduction Ordinance, which we consider to be an excellent collection of the best practices from around the state that will help us to finally combat the scourge of plastic pollution in our city.
City Council 6 PM: Adoption of City-wide Plastic Waste Reduction Regulations Ordinance
City Council 6 PM: City-wide Plastic Waste Reduction Regulations ordinance
City Council 6 PM: Creative Crosswalks update; development of city-wide Polystyrene and Single Use Plastic regulations.
SB 1255 (Portantino), which would have offered grants to K-12 Schools to purchase and install dishwashers to reduce waste and waste related costs, was vetoed by Governor Newsom, but hope lives on!
Portantino Dishwasher Bill Inspired by the Glendale Environmental Coalition Headed to the Governor’s Desk!
This week at City Council: GWP Annual Authority for the Purchase or Sale of Energy Commodities and Services; Annual Update to Glendale Water and Power’s (GWP’s) Wildfire Mitigation Plan; Motion providing direction to staff on the use of artificial turf as the preferred surface type for multipurpose fields based on the findings of the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Triple Bottom Line (3BL) Assessment; Fremont Park Soccer Field – Plastic or Grass?
Help us advocate for Natural Grass vs. Plastic Grass for 5 Glendale sports fields (7 acres) at Glendale City Council on Tuesday, June 28, 2022 at 6pm
Sustainability and Parks Commissioners will hear a “triple bottom line” Life Cycle Analysis from Citadel EHS, which was commissioned by the City of Glendale after the Parks Commission voted 3 to 2 in favor of natural grass alternatives for Glendale sports fields in 2021.
This week at City Council: Single Use Plastic Prohibition Expansion, and Polystyrene prohibition; Amendment to the City of Glendale Building Code to Require All Electric Design, Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic, and Higher Energy Performance for New Construction
GEC is proud to have helped initiate and to co-sponsor Senator Portantino’s SB 1255: Grant Funding for Dishwashers for K-12 Schools and Community Colleges, to reduce single-use waste and related costs
This week at City Council: GWP Grayson Repowering Item -RFP for Unit 9 Separation and Demolition & Site Improvements; $45K Artificial Turf & Natural Grass Lifecycle Analysis contract; Adoption of Disposable Foodware Accessories Ordinance; Urban Forestry Report including staff recommendations for action and requests for funding based upon previous council direction to find ways to strategically increase, water and tend Glendale’s Urban Tree Canopy.
This week at City Council: Slow Streets Program Installation & Maintenance; Introduction of Disposable Foodware Accessories Ordinance; Addition of 117 Shelter/Shade Structures for Bus Stops.