Glendale City Council Watch

Eco-Items on the Agenda for 9/14/2021

6 pm Meeting

Live Feed / Agenda:

4. Consent items
d. Public Works, re: Slow Streets Program – Installation and Maintenance
Resolution to dispense with the bidding procedures set forth in Glendale Municipal Code Section 4.12.010(A)(1) and authorize the Deputy Director of Finance-Purchasing to solicit competitive bids and execute a contract pursuant to Glendale Municipal Code Section 4.12.010(A)(3) for the Slow Streets Program – Installations and Maintenance

8. Action Items
* a. Management Services, re: Introduction of an Ordinance adding Chapter 8.46 to Title 8 of the Glendale Municipal Code in connection with regulations for the Distribution of Disposable Foodware Accessories
– Ordinance for Introduction
– Resolution adding administrative fines and fees in conjunction with enforcement of the Disposable Foodware Accessory regulations
* Tired of getting all that NOT requested single-use stuff, e.g. plastic utensils, with your to-go orders? Please call to support the City of Los Angeles version of this ordinance & help restaurants save money and reduce trash. See GEC’s letter for why.

c. Public Works, re: Program to Install Shelter/Shade Structures at Bus Stops to Improve Quality of Life for Bus Riders
Motion providing direction to staff to do the following: survey 117 bus stops to update the 2017 list of bus stops, prioritized by ridership, that are candidates for a bus shelter structure as part of Phase I; survey the 234 other bus stops to prepare a list of bus stops, prioritized by ridership, that are candidates for a bus shade structure as part of Phase II; return to the City Council with the survey outcomes and revised cost estimates for both program phases


GEC sent a LETTER OF SUPPORT to City Council for passage of Glendale’s proposed Disposable Foodware Accessories Ordinance, requesting the ordinance integrate Los Angeles City’s ordinance language which has two key differences from the county version which make it more substantial and effective. The letter was written in collaboration with Ban SUP and signed by over 15 organizations. GEC thanks all the organizations supporting our request and the input in particular from  BAN SUP and Surfrider Foundation.

Click to view letter


Both the Grayson Repowering Project (with new gas-burning equipment) Partially Recirculated Draft Environmental Impact Report (PR-DEIR) and Scholl Canyon Landfill BioGas Project Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) are coming to various commissions for review, and then to City Council for approval/direction. Your comments are needed. Please save these dates:

Scholl Biogas Project:

Planning Commission on October 6, 2021
Link to Final EIR:

Grayson Repowering:

Joint GWP & Sustainability Commission presentation of Final Environmental Impact Report – First week of November
City Council on November 16, 2021
Link to to Partially Recirculated Draft EIR:

Want to comment on an agenda item?
Call In When the Item is Up: (818) 937-8100

And/Or Email your council members in advance:

Mayor Paula Devine:
Vrej Agajanian:
Dan Brotman:
Ardy Kassakhian:
Ara Najarian:

Note – Scheduling changes can and do occur. We try to keep this post updated if things change, but please consult the city website for official agendas.

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