October 20, 2020, 6PM
EXCERPTS (Eco-related Items only)

Full Agenda & Meeting Video 

Staff Comments:
  • Devine mentioned that the council received a text from Assembly member Quirk in support of the council’s decision regarding the Mylar balloons.
  • Brotman acknowledged the clean energy program approvals and requested further exploration on five topics:
    • Evaluating solar within the commercial sector, including large parking lots.
    • Implementation of a demand response program for the top 50-100 GWP customers
    • Consideration for a Fee-In Tariff program, to maximize solar resources in the city a la LADWP. See LADWP resource HERE for further reading.
    • Consider limitations on the proliferation of more solar PVs within the city, and evaluate ways to unlock more potential opportunities
    • Evaluate the Deployment of time of use rates to create incentives for customers to move away from peak hours
  • Mr. Brotman requests staff to submit bi-monthly reports reflecting current status as well as completion date projections, and for the first report to come no later than the middle of December. (This was not fully resolved, was met with bureaucratic hurdles outlined by the City Manager, and should be further evaluated within the GEC community to help shore the support for this request for additional bi-monthly staff reporting.)
    • Achievement of 100% zero carbon by 2030,
    • Renegotiation with LADWP to establish better resource sharing
    • Sourcing of new transmission opportunities
Community Event Announcements:
  • Marie Freeman, Glen Oaks Canyon HOA Board of Directors, Call regarding their concern over the EIR for the bio gas power plant at Scholl Canyon. They will be dedicating resources to calling in the future to discuss topics such as required fire mitigation, additional exit routes, air and water quality concerns, earthquake damage mitigation, and will in particular be looking for evidence that the topic of the closure of the landfill is in play, and a timeline is established.
  • Jackie Gish: Lead on the bio gas project for Glen Oaks Canyon HOA. Requests that they look into replacing the aging flares to comply with AQMD guidelines
  • Kate Unger: Speaking on behalf of the GEC, and offers solidarity and recognition, through the declaration of an official statement, which will be placed on GEC’s website

What’s Next?!

Agenda Preview for October, 27th at 6pm:
Full Agenda
  • A draft response to an LA County Grand Jury report on food waste that calls on Glendale to respond accordingly to various recommendations made in the report.  See the draft of the response HERE.
  • Presentation re: Green Business Certification Program
  • Ordinance Establishing a Sustainability Commission.  Report can be found HERE.
  • Community Development, re: Verdugo Wash Visioning consultant recommendation and funding allocation – Report can be found HERE.
    1. Motion awarding a contract to !melk, and authorize the Interim City Manager to execute a Professional Service Agreement with !melk in the amount of $440,000 for the Verdugo Wash Visioning Study
    2. Resolution of appropriation of $200,000 in Measure M funding to be used towards the Verdugo Wash Visioning Study for a contract total of $440,000

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