This week at the Sustainability Commission: Climate Action and Adaptation Plan Draft Measures and Actions; Building Electrification Update; Report on Environmental Purchasing Policy

This week at the Sustainability Commission: Climate Action and Adaptation Plan Draft Measures and Actions; Building Electrification Update; Report on Environmental Purchasing Policy
City Council has TWO sessions this Tuesday. 2 PM: Dog Park at Parking Lot 11; 6 PM: Community Beautification Project, Fremont Park, Solar PV at 8 City-owned Sites
This week at the GWP Commission: Public Benefits Program presentation, Energy Briefing presentation
City Council 6 PM: Scholl Canyon Biogas Facility; Grant for SolarAPP+ Automated Permitting
City Council has TWO sessions this Tuesday. 2 pm: Fleet Electrification Study, Moratorium on New and Conversion of Existing Drive-through lanes and Al Fresco Dining in Private Parking Lots. 6 PM: GWP 2021 Power Source Disclosure, Grant to electrify the Beeline, Burbank Airport Vacancy and SCHOLL BIOGAS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS
Glendale wants to build a gas-burning polluting power plant on the Scholl Canyon Landfill. Click through to read about problems with this project.
FAQ re GWP’s Proposal for the Scholl Biogas Plant
Plus two additional ways to express opposition to the proposed Scholl Canyon Biogas Project.
This week at the Planning Commission: Consideration of a resolution certifying the Final Environmental Impact Report for a 12 MW energy facility at the Scholl Canyon Landfill, that would utilize a mix of landfill methane and gas. Consideration of a Motion approving the Conditional Use Permit and Special Recreation Review
City Council approves motion requesting staff to prepare an ordinance prohibiting use of Polystyrene and Single Use Plastics at City Facilities and City Events and council members make first two nominations to Sustainability Commission.
CITY COUNCIL RECAP November 17 2020, 6PM EXCERPTS (Eco-related Items only) Full Agenda & Meeting Video Consent Item (pulled): Consent Item 4F: Public Works, re: Contract Award for Weed Control Services. The motion authorizing the Interim City Manager to execute a contract with Pest Options, Inc. in the amount of $122,400 annually for a period of three years or $367,200…
CITY COUNCIL RECAP October 20, 2020, 6PM EXCERPTS (Eco-related Items only) Full Agenda & Meeting Video Staff Comments: Devine mentioned that the council received a text from Assembly member Quirk in support of the council’s decision regarding the Mylar balloons. Brotman acknowledged the clean energy program approvals and requested further exploration on five topics: Evaluating solar within the commercial sector, including…
GEC’s comment letter addresses the draft environmental report for the proposed 12 MW power-generating facility at the Scholl Canyon Landfill, highlighting GEC’s top concerns.