City Council, 6 PM: 2023 Power Content Label; Glendale Water and Power, re: Plan to Increase Glendale Water and Power (GWP) Customer Solar Adoption and Develop Additional Distributed Energy Resources (E3 Study)

City Council, 6 PM: 2023 Power Content Label; Glendale Water and Power, re: Plan to Increase Glendale Water and Power (GWP) Customer Solar Adoption and Develop Additional Distributed Energy Resources (E3 Study)
This week at the GWP Commission: E3 / Wildan present Plan to Increase Solar Adoption and Develop Additional Distributed Energy Resources
City Council, 6 PM: GWP Public Benefits Charge accidental overcharge and us of surplus revenue to increase rebates.
City Council, 6 PM: Discussion of pathways selected to study for 2024 Integrated Resource Plan (Note & File Item); PSA to develop the Glendale Recycling Facility Master Plan for 2025-2045 (Consent Item)
City Council, 6 PM: Item 8A, Professional Services Agreement with Energy and Environmental Economics, Inc. (E3) to assist Glendale Water and Power (GWP) with the Development of a Plan to Increase Solar Penetration and Develop Additional Distributed Energy Resources (DER)
City Council, 6 PM (at Pacific Community Center): GWP Incentive Programs
This week at the GWP Commission: Customer Service Update, Water Supply Report, GWP Budget Presentation, Summer Readiness (High Heat) Report
City Council has TWO sessions this Tuesday. 2 PM: Dog Park at Parking Lot 11; 6 PM: Community Beautification Project, Fremont Park, Solar PV at 8 City-owned Sites
This week at the GWP Commission: Public Benefits Program presentation, Energy Briefing presentation
City Council 6 PM: (Item 8a) Status Update on the Request for Proposals (RFP) for Local Clean Distributed Energy Resources (DER); (Item 8b) EcoMotion Report—Review of Glendale Water & Power Department Public Benefit Charge Programs, Findings and Recommendations
City Council 6 PM: Adoption of REACH CODE ORDINANCE (Building Electrification, Solar Photovoltaic and Electric Vehicle Charging Installations); Final Verdugo Wash Visioning presentation and next steps; RFP for development of a plan to significantly increase solar penetration and develop additional Distributed Energy Resources (DER) in Glendale.
3 PM: Citywide Bicycle Detection Technology; 6 PM: Dunsmore Park Improvements Project, 2023 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Curb Ramp Installation and Sidewalk Repair Program, Streamlining the Historic District Designation Process, Solar Energy on City Owned Properties & RFP for Six Proposed Project Sites
This online workshop will review the proposed building ordinances and provide interactive sessions for attendees to share their suggestions, provide feedback, and ask any questions.
This week at the Sustainability Commission: Land Acknowledgement; Reach Codes – Building Electrification, Photovoltaic (PV), and Electric Vehicles (EV); Greywater Corps Presentation
Clean Energy Resolution Passes; Council Votes 4–1 to Take Next Steps on Grayson Repowering with 3 Engines