City Council Watch – November 14, 2023

City Council, 2 PM: \Garden River Bridge Project; 6 PM: Scholl Canyon Perimeter Fencing Replacement Project; CalReycle Application; Ordinance to Prohibit the Use, Distribution and Sale of Polystyrene Products on a Citywide Basis; GWP 2023 Electric Rates Cost of Service Analysis (COSA); Grayson Repowering Project related contracts; City Owned Solar Development Program – Phase 1 Award of Contracts

City Council Watch – November 7, 2023

City Council, 6 PM: Item 7a— Ordinance Banning Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) City-wide & Single Use Bottles and Aseptic Beverage Packaging for City Facilities and Events; Item 8b— Beeline Maintenance Facility Bus Electrification and Parking Deck Design and Management

City Council Watch – August 22, 2023

City Council, 6 PM: Item 8A, Professional Services Agreement with Energy and Environmental Economics, Inc. (E3) to assist Glendale Water and Power (GWP) with the Development of a Plan to Increase Solar Penetration and Develop Additional Distributed Energy Resources (DER)

City Council Watch – August 8, 2023

City Council, 6 PM: Item 7A, Ordinance Amending Title 8 of the Glendale Municipal Code, to Add Chapter 8.50 Prohibiting the Use of Gas-Powered Leaf Blowers; Item 8A, Fremont Park Renovation Contract (includes artificial turf sports field.)

City Council Watch – June 27, 2023

City Council, 6 PM: Replacement of Gas-Powered Landscape Maintenance Equipment with Zero Emission Battery Powered Equipment for all Park Facilities in the City of Glendale to Achieve Green Zone Certification; North Brand Boulevard Complete Streets Demonstration Project

City Council Watch – June 6, 2023

City Council, 6 PM: Distributed Drywell Installation Project; Vision Zero Action Plan Development; GWP’s Wildfire Mitigation Plan; Grayson Repowering Project – Balance of Site Engineer, Procure, and Construct Request for Proposals; Restructuring and Increase of Solid Waste Collection Rates