Glendale City Council Watch

Eco-Items on the Agenda for Tuesday, August 23, 2022


1 pm Closed Session

1b Glenoaks Canyon Homeowners Association v. City of Glendale (Scholl Biogas Plant lawsuit)

3 pm Special Public City Council Meeting

1. Community Development, re: Update on the Tropico Transit Oriented District (TOD) and Presentation of the Draft Tropico Design and Development Standards

– Motion to receive report and provide direction on the proposed zoning text and map amendments for the Tropico Transit Oriented District (TOD)

2. Community Development, re: Presentation of Results of Hotel Study Related to Hotel Moratorium and Direction on Code/DSP Amendments and/or Extension of Hotel Moratorium for an Additional One-Year Period

– Motion to Note and File Report
– Motion Providing Direction and Initiating Zoning Code and/or DSP Amendments Related to Hotel Uses in the DSP
– Motion Directing Staff to Return with Ordinance for Introduction Extending Ordinance No. 5978 for an Additional One-Year Period

3. Management Services, re: Reach Code – Building Electrification – REPORT

Motion providing direction on options to be included in a reach code for Building Electrification, Photovoltaic (PV) and Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging to amend Title 24 of the California Building Code or adopt an amendment to the Glendale Municipal Code

GEC supports these reach codes and has requested some changes to strengthen the codes.

These recommendations are similar to recommendations made by the Sustainability Commission. Please find here a joint letter submitted to City Council from the Climate Reality Project Los Angeles Chapter, Glendale Environmental Coalition, US Green Building Council–Los Angeles Chapter, Sierra Club Angeles Chapter and Verdugo Hills Group, and American Institute of Architects Pasadena & Foothill Chapter.

Learn more & advocate!
Learn more about the reach codes and their many benefits on our web page. Please consider emailing City Council before this Tuesday’s 3 PM special meeting to show your support.

6 pm Regular City Council Meeting

3. Presentations and appointments.

3 new from Councilmember Asatryan:

c, Appointment of Board and Commission Member (Asatryan, 8/23/2022)
Alex Fay, Glendale Water and Power Commission
d. Appointment of Board and Commission Member (Asatryan, 8/23/2022)
Cole Bazemore, Sustainability Commission
e. Appointment of Board and Commission Member (Asatryan, 8/23/2022)
Lilya Avagyan, Transportation and Parking Commission

f. Nomination Assignments for Boards & Commission Appointments:

Arts & Culture Commission (Asatryan, Najarian, Brotman)
Audit Committee (Najarian, Devine, Brotman)
Building and Fire Board of Appeals (Kassakhian, Brotman, Asatryan, Najarian)
CDBG Advisory Committee (Brotman, Najarian)
Design Review Board (Najarian, Brotman)
Glendale Water and Power Commission (Brotman, Najarian)
Historic Preservation Commission (Najarian, Brotman, Asatryan)
Parks, Recreation and Community Services Commission (Asatryan, Najarian, Brotman)
Planning Commission (Brotman, Najarian, Asatryan)
Commission on the Status of Women (Brotman, Najarian)
Transportation and Parking Commission (Brotman, Najarian)
Sustainability Commission (Brotman, Najarian)

4 Consent

c. Public Works, re: Encouraging the Use of Beeline Transit by Designating Annual Free Fare Days
– Motion authorizing the City Manager, or his designee to make Beeline free on Transit Equity Day, Earth Day, National Bike to Work Day, California Clean Air Day, and federal and state elections to encourage transit use and provide access to polls on an annual basis, permanently

8 Action Items

a. Glendale Water and Power, re: City of Glendale Response to June 21, 2022 County of Los Angeles Civil Grand Jury Report entitled “Water, Water Everywhere Leaking from the Pipes”.
– Resolution Approving City of Glendale Response to June 21, 2022 Los Angeles Civil Grand Jury Report

b. Public Works, re: Update on Scholl Canyon Landfill Operations and Closure. REPORT

1. Motion Directing Staff regarding the Future of the Scholl Canyon Landfill, from one of the following options:
a. Do not revise the City’s Wasteshed Ordinance and allow the Landfill to close upon reaching capacity, currently estimated in December 2025.
b. Revise the City’s Wasteshed Ordinance to exclude all current users of the Landfill except for Glendale, which means the Landfill will continue operating until approximately June 2030.
c.  Revise the City’s Wasteshed Ordinance to exclude the City of Pasadena and continue allowing all other current users of the Landfill, which means the Landfill will continue operating until approximately July 2028.
d. Revise the City’s Wasteshed Ordinance to exclude all current users of the Landfill except for Glendale and Pasadena, which means the Landfill will continue operating until approximately June 2026.

2. Motion Directing Staff Regarding Scholl Canyon Landfill operations

c. Public Works, re: Solid Waste Collection Rates and Commencement of Proposition 218 Notice and Public Hearing Process for the Purpose of Adopting New Solid Waste Collection Rates for Single-Family and Small Multi-Family Customers – REPORT

Motion authorizing staff to commence the Proposition 218 Notice and Public Hearing Process for the purpose of adopting new solid waste collection rates for single-family and small multi-family customers

Want to comment on an agenda item?
Call In when the item is up: (818) 937-8100

Email council members in advance:
Mayor Ardy Kassakhian:
Elen Asatryan:
Dan Brotman:
Paula Devine:
Ara Najarian:
Email all council members at once: Generate Email

Note – Scheduling changes can and do occur. We try to keep this post updated if things change, but please consult the city website for official agendas.

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