City Council 6 PM: Scholl Canyon Biogas Facility; Grant for SolarAPP+ Automated Permitting

City Council 6 PM: Scholl Canyon Biogas Facility; Grant for SolarAPP+ Automated Permitting
City Council has TWO sessions this Tuesday. 2 pm: Fleet Electrification Study, Moratorium on New and Conversion of Existing Drive-through lanes and Al Fresco Dining in Private Parking Lots. 6 PM: GWP 2021 Power Source Disclosure, Grant to electrify the Beeline, Burbank Airport Vacancy and SCHOLL BIOGAS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS
City Council has THREE sessions this Tuesday. 1pm: Scholl Canyon Biogas Facility lawsuit (closed session.) 3 PM: Tropico Transit Oriented District, Hotel Moratorium, REACH CODES. 6 PM: New Commission Member Appointments, Beeline Transit annual Free Fare Days promotion, SCHOLL LANDFILL CLOSURE, Solid Waste Collection Rates (Cost of Service Analysis)
Glendale wants to build a gas-burning polluting power plant on the Scholl Canyon Landfill. Click through to read about problems with this project.
Clean Energy Resolution Passes; Council Votes 4–1 to Take Next Steps on Grayson Repowering with 3 Engines
Scholl Canyon litigation (closed session); Brand Boulevard Complete Streets Demonstration Project; Resolution to Accept State of California Grant in the amount of $8 Million for Rockhaven
This week at the GWP Commission: Clean Energy Update, Electric Reliability Report
FAQ re GWP’s Proposal for the Scholl Biogas Plant
Plus two additional ways to express opposition to the proposed Scholl Canyon Biogas Project.
This week at the Planning Commission: Consideration of a resolution certifying the Final Environmental Impact Report for a 12 MW energy facility at the Scholl Canyon Landfill, that would utilize a mix of landfill methane and gas. Consideration of a Motion approving the Conditional Use Permit and Special Recreation Review
This week at City Council – 2PM & 6PM Meetings: Density Bonus Incentives, Consideration of a Moratorium on Hotel Development in Downtown Glendale, Amendment to increase Stantec contract by $75,000 for Scholl Biogas CEQA Process
This week at City Council: GWP’s 2020 Power Content Label (Power Source Disclosure); Resolution adopting the City Investment Policy for Fiscal Year 2021-2022; Scholl Biogas Project Planning Commission Oct 6 plus links
This week at City Council: Class II Bikelanes, Creative Crosswalks, Sidewalk Repair, Drought Mandates, Ordinance regulating the use of Disposable Foodware Accessories (motion to prepare an ordinance). ALSO – SAVE THE DATES and LINKS regarding proposed Scholl Canyon Biogas Project and Grayson Repowering Project (including new gas peaker units.)