Commission Watch – Scholl Biogas Facility – October 6, 2021

Glendale Commission Watch
Planning Commission

Items of Interest on the Agenda for 10/6/2021

5 pm Meeting

Live Feed / Agenda:

New Business

a. ITEM:
3001 Scholl Canyon Road
Conditional Use Permit – PCUP 2012782 and Special Recreation Review – PSRZDR 2012781
Biogas Renewabel Generation

Resolution certifying the Final Environmental Impact Report
Motion approving the Condituional Use Permit and Special Recreation Review

Request for a Conditional Use Permit and a Special Recreation Review to construct and operate a 12 megawatt power generation facility (utility and transmission facility) that will utilize existing landfill gas to generate renewable energy at 2.2-acre area at southern portion of a 535 acre site (Scholl Canyon Landfill) that is located in the “SR” – (Special Recreation) Zone described as Portions of Lot 89, Watts Subdivision of part of the Rancho San Rafael, Portion of Lot B, Tract No. 7183, Portion of Lot C, Tract No. 7183, Portion of Lot 240, Tract No. 7498 and Portion of Lot 89, Watts Subdivision of part of the Rancho San Rafael. (APNs 5662-023- 900, 5666-001-904, 5666-002-900, 5666-002-901 and 5666-002-902)

A Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) was circulated July 1, 2020, through September 30, 2020 for a 90-day review period. A Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) has been prepared pursuant to the City of Glendale’s adopted Procedures for Preparation and Processing of Environmental Documents (Glendale CEQA Guideline, 2016), and in compliance with CEQA


VIEW ALL DOCUMENTS, including the recommendation from the Sustainability Commission NOT to certify the FEIR.





The meeting can be viewed on Charter Cable Channel 6 or streamed online at:

For public comments and questions during the meeting call (818) 937-8100. City staff will be submitting these questions and comments in real time to the appropriate person during the Planning Commission meeting.

Coalition for Landfill Alternatives PETITION & Note from GEC:

The Scholl Canyon Biogas Project is being heard at the Planning Commission’s meeting on Wednesday, October 6, at 5 pm. GEC and concerned residents of the areas near the landfill will ask the Planning Commission not to certify the Scholl Biogas Environmental Impact Report and not to approve entitlements for the project, which would construct a power plant that would burn landfill gas at Scholl Canyon.

During the Commission meeting, the Coalition for Landfill Alternatives will present a list of concerned residents who oppose the power plant. They hope to have more than 1,000 people join this petition.

You can review and sign on to the petition here:


The Grayson Repowering Project (with new gas-burning equipment) Partially Recirculated Draft Environmental Impact Report (PR-DEIR) is open for public review until November 15. If you wish to submit a comment, send an e-mail to, with “Grayson Repowering Project PR-DEIR” in the subject line and consider copying the city council members. After this time, the Final EIR will go to various commissions for review, and then to City Council for approval/direction.

Most importantly, your comments are needed at City Council and to City Council and Commission Members. We will provide more information about how to submit comments closer to when the commissions and council will consider the project.


Joint GWP & Sustainability Commission presentation of Final Environmental Impact Report – TBD (projected January 2022)
City Council – TBD (projected January 2022)

Link to to Partially Recirculated Draft EIR:

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