Glendale City Council Watch

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Eco-Items on the Agenda for 1/12/21:
  • Action Item 8A: Management Services, re: Polystyrene and Single-Use Plastic Ban (Report)

Motion providing direction to staff to prepare an ordinance prohibiting the use of polystyrene and single-use plastic products in all City facilities, City-managed concessions, City-sponsored events, and City-permitted events that serve prepared food. Read the full staff report here with suggested policy recommendations.

GEC asks for your support of this item: 

GEC is preparing a comment letter with some ordinance suggestions, but on the whole this is is a VERY EXCITING step forward in the journey to reduce Single Use Plastics (SUP) in our city. This will give the opportunity for the city to “walk the walk” and experience for themselves what it means to move away from SUP and towards reusable systems and marine degradable, compostable organic materials before it looks at a broader policy. BRAVO to council for requesting this report and staff for doing a great job in researching a proposal. Please consider emailing your council members or calling in to support this item.

Want to comment on an agenda item? 

To provide feedback to City Council, you can call in when an item is up for discussion on the agenda or you can email your council members in advance:

Mayor Vrej Agajanian:
Ara Najarian:
Paula Devine:
Ardy Kassakhian:
Dan Brotman:

Note – Scheduling changes can and do occur. We try to keep this post updated if things change, but please consult the city website for official agendas.


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