Glendale City Council Watch

Eco-Items on the Agenda for 3/23/2021 

At 6 PM
Interactive Agenda:

8a     Information Services Department, re: Expansion of Wireless Internet Services to City Owned Parks and Related Facilities Within the City of Glendale. Motion to provide direction to staff on the possible expansion of wireless Internet services within city owned parks and related facilities

*8b     Pedestrian Plan – Community Development, re: Pedestrian Safety Plan and Associated Environmental Review.
View the Plan:

Please call with your support! 

      1. Resolution Adopting Mitigated Negative Declaration for Glendale Citywide Pedestrian Plan
      2. Resolution Adopting the Glendale Citywide Pedestrian Plan
      3. Motion Directing staff on Implementation Process of the Citywide Pedestrian Plan

8d     City Attorney, re: Approval of City Manager Employment Agreement with Roubik Golanian

At 3 PM (Joint City Council & Housing  Authority)
Interactive Agenda:

2a Municipal ordinance introduction regarding Mayor Selection Process

2b Housing Authority selection process

4c  Consent item that may be pulled: Traffic Signal Installations and Modifications at Various Locations Phase 2 Project. Resolution adopting the Plans and Specifications for the Traffic Signal Installations and Modifications at Various Locations

UP NEXT! On March 30, GWP will present the 100% Clean Energy by 2030 study results. Please voice your support for an aggressive clean energy timeline.
Want to comment on an agenda item? 

To provide feedback to City Council, you can call in when an item is up for discussion on the agenda or you can email your council members in advance:

Mayor Vrej Agajanian:
Ara Najarian:
Paula Devine:
Ardy Kassakhian:
Dan Brotman:

Note – Scheduling changes can and do occur. We try to keep this post updated if things change, but please consult the city website for official agendas.


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