Our hearts go out to our entire community and extended network of friends and loved ones that have been affected by the wind storm and fires wreaking havoc throughout Los Angeles County. This post contains a list of resources for our community and information re local Climate Action and Adaptation planning.
City Council, 6 PM: Assm. Friedman Legislative Update; Various PSA and PSA updates for Water Conservation Compliance Efforts, Climate Action & Adaptation Plan, Recycling Center Master Plan, Grayson Unit 9 Chiller Maintenance.
City Council Special Meeting, 2 PM: Building Electrification Ordinance Update; Climate Action & Adaptation Plan (CAAP) Draft Report
City Council, 6 PM: Urban Forestry Tree Planting and Maintenance Program; Bike Plan Next Steps; Climate Action & Adaptation Plan (CAAP) Draft Report
City Council, 6 PM: Building Electrification Ordinance Update; Bike Plan Next Steps; Climate Action & Adaptation Plan (CAAP) Draft Report
This week at the Sustainability Commission: Climate Action and Adaptation Plan Draft Measures and Actions; Building Electrification Update; Report on Environmental Purchasing Policy
City Council has TWO sessions this Tuesday. 2 PM: PSA for the Climate Action Plan, Environmental Preferable Purchasing and 6 PM: Legislative updates from Senator Portantino, GWP Recycled water tank at Emerald Isle, Urban Forestry Grant Tree planting and maintenance, Drive through moratorium, Water reduction incentives
This week at the Sustainability Commission: Selection of 2 Student Ex Officio Members, Organics Recycling Update, Verdugo Wash Visioning Update, Building Electrification and Reach Code Project Update, Climate Action & Adaptation Plan Update
This week at the Sustainability Commission: En-Roads Climate Change Solutions Simulator, Sustainability Commission Work Plan, Earth Day Planning Update, Climate Action Plan Update
This week at the Sustainability Commission: Developing Building Electrification, Photovoltaic Infrastructure and EV Charging Reach Codes for the City of Glendale; Earth Day 2022 Action Plan; Climate Action and Adaptation Plan Update
This week at the Sustainability Commission: Equity & Climate Action Plan, GWP Green Power Programs, Legacy Trees Report, Earth Day 2022, Car Sharing Blue LA, Food Waste in Airports & Zero Waste Events
Grayson Environmental Report Update, GW&P Water Overview, Climate Action Plan RFP Update, Sustainable Purchasing Program Update, and Reach Code Information Report. Update re: Zero Waste Picnic
Glendale City Council votes unanimously to move forward with Glendale joining the Race to Zero campaign. Council members raise various subjects including increasing EV charging in Glendale, potential city support for a state-wide ban on gas-powered landscaping equipment, and a potential ordinance to prevent excessive light pollution.
Sustainability Commission Agenda includes Regulation of Disposable Foodware Accessories, Appointment of (non-voting) Student Commission Members, Just Transition to Clean Energy, Intern Projects, Climate Action Plan update and more.
These projects will benefit the entire Glendale Community and leave the City of Glendale in a better position to both mitigate the effects of climate change and reduce our impacts.