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City Council has TWO sessions tomorrow.
2 PM: PSA for the Climate Action Plan, Environmental Preferable Purchasing
6 PM:
Legislative updates from Senator Portantino, GWP Recycled water tank at Emerald Isle, Urban Forestry Grant Tree planting and maintenance, Drive through moratorium, Water reduction incentives

Glendale City Council Watch

Eco-Items on the Agenda for Tuesday, September 20, 2022

2 pm Special Public City Council Meeting

1. Management Services, re: Professional Services Agreements with Rincon Consultants, Inc. (Rincon) for the development of a Climate Action and Adaptation Plan (CAAP) for the City of Glendale – REPORT

a. Motion authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to execute an 18-month Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with Rincon, to develop a “Qualified” CAAP for the City of Glendale for a total not to exceed amount of $320,000

2. Management Services, re: Environmental Preferable Purchasing – REPORT

a. Motion providing direction on key policy principles to incorporate into the City’s Environmental Preferable Purchasing Policy

6 pm Regular City Council Meeting


d. Legislative Update: Senator Anthony Portantino

e. Appointment of Board and Commission (Brotman, 9/20/22)
1. Chris Lowery, Glendale Water and Power Commission – APPLICATION


b. Glendale Water and Power, re: Plans and Specifications for the Emerald Isle 1666 Tank and Glendale Recycled Water Tank Rehabilitation Project – REPORT

Resolution adopting Specification No. 3934 and Plan No. 6960-E for Emerald Isle 1666 Tank and Glendale Recycled Water Tank Rehabilitation Project, and directing the City Clerk to advertise for bids

e. Public Works, re: Urban Forestry Grant Tree Planting and Maintenance Program Contract Increases – REPORT

1. Resolution dispensing with competitive bidding and authorizing the City Manager, or a designee, to amend contract 8000974 for City Tree Services, with West Coast Arborists, Inc. (WCA) increasing the contract amount by $4,271,660 to a new total amount of $11,577,660, for the purpose of meeting recommended tree planting and maintenance goals, pruning palm trees, planting and caring for 500 trees as part of the reimbursable California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal Fire) Urban Forestry grant and planting 750 trees as part of the reimbursable California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Clean California grant subject to budget approval in FY 2023-24, FY 2024-25 and FY 2025-26

2. Resolution authorizing the Director of Public Works or his designee to execute a Clean California grant agreement with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) for the City of Glendale’s ‘Southeast Glendale Greening’ project to plant 750 trees

3. Resolution of appropriation for grant funded tree planting and maintenance


a. Community Development, re: Adoption of a Moratorium on New and Conversion of Existing Drive-through Waiting Lanes – REPORT

1. Interim Urgency Ordinance Prohibiting Developments with New and Conversion of Existing Drive-through Waiting Lanes Citywide Without Pipeline Project Exemption (Brotman, 9/20/22)

2. Interim Urgency Ordinance Prohibiting Developments with New and Conversion of Existing Drive-through Waiting Lanes Citywide With Pipeline Project Exemption (Devine, 9/20/22)


a. Glendale Water and Power, re: Programming to Incentivize Water Reductions – REPORT

1. Motion to Note and File Report on the Success of Glendale Water & Power’s (GWP) Water Conservation Programs

2. Motion directing staff relating to the allocation of Water funds for additional programs

Want to comment on an agenda item?
Call In when the item is up: (818) 937-8100

Email council members in advance:
Mayor Ardy Kassakhian:
Elen Asatryan:
Dan Brotman:
Paula Devine:
Ara Najarian:
Email all council members at once: Generate Email

Note – Scheduling changes can and do occur. We try to keep this post updated if things change, but please consult the city website for official agendas.

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