Portantino Dishwasher Bill Inspired by the Glendale Environmental Coalition Headed to the Governor’s Desk!
The City of Glendale’s Organics Recycling Program has officially begun! Read our post to learn more, get some questions answered and consider the various other ways you can most sustainably manage your organic waste.
This week at City Council: Single Use Plastic Prohibition Expansion, and Polystyrene prohibition; Amendment to the City of Glendale Building Code to Require All Electric Design, Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic, and Higher Energy Performance for New Construction
GEC is proud to have helped initiate and to co-sponsor Senator Portantino’s SB 1255: Grant Funding for Dishwashers for K-12 Schools and Community Colleges, to reduce single-use waste and related costs
This week at City Council, consideration of: an Environmentally Preferable Purchasing policy, RFP to Update the Bicycle Transportation Plan, new “Toter” bins for refuse, recyclables and organic materials, road marking contract, Glendale Recycling Center contract amendment.
This week at the Sustainability Commission: Equity & Climate Action Plan, GWP Green Power Programs, Legacy Trees Report, Earth Day 2022, Car Sharing Blue LA, Food Waste in Airports & Zero Waste Events
This week at City Council: GWP Grayson Repowering Item -RFP for Unit 9 Separation and Demolition & Site Improvements; $45K Artificial Turf & Natural Grass Lifecycle Analysis contract; Adoption of Disposable Foodware Accessories Ordinance; Urban Forestry Report including staff recommendations for action and requests for funding based upon previous council direction to find ways to strategically increase, water and tend Glendale’s Urban Tree Canopy.
This week at City Council: Slow Streets Program Installation & Maintenance; Introduction of Disposable Foodware Accessories Ordinance; Addition of 117 Shelter/Shade Structures for Bus Stops.
This week at City Council: Class II Bikelanes, Creative Crosswalks, Sidewalk Repair, Drought Mandates, Ordinance regulating the use of Disposable Foodware Accessories (motion to prepare an ordinance). ALSO – SAVE THE DATES and LINKS regarding proposed Scholl Canyon Biogas Project and Grayson Repowering Project (including new gas peaker units.)
This week at City Council: Adoption of Ordinance establishing an exclusive 4-zone, franchise system for solid waste collection services of commercial establishments and applicable multi-family establishments. Also, contracts discussion, including resolution establishing franchise zones and franchise fee amounts.
Sustainability Commission Agenda includes Regulation of Disposable Foodware Accessories, Appointment of (non-voting) Student Commission Members, Just Transition to Clean Energy, Intern Projects, Climate Action Plan update and more.
This week in view: Eco Items at the Sustainability Commission, GWP Commission, Glendale City Council
This week at City Council: SB 1383, Fireworks and Report on Glendale’s Urban Forest
This week at City Council: 3b Senator Portantino’s Legislative Update, CERT Program Overview and Future, Outgoing Mayor’s Comments, Selection of a New Mayor, New Mayor’s Comments, Single Use Plastics Ordinance in City Facilities, Direction on the future of the slow streets program
Ascend Analytics’ 100% Clean Energy by 2030 analysis is well received, follow up action requested; Hazard Pay passes; The ordinance for a ban on polystyrene and single use plastics for city sponsored events and city facilities had its first reading and will come back for a vote; the city plans for 5 electric buses and accepts funding for charging infrastructure.