Glendale Sustainability Commission Watch

Items on the Agenda for 6/3/2021
5:30 pm Meeting

5a Election of Chair/VCh

5b City Pledge to the Race to Zero Campaign

5c Regulation of Disposable Foodware Accessories

6a Report from the Community Services and Parks Department

a. Student Ex-officio recruitment
b. Single Use Plastics Update
c. Department Information Session – Glendale Water and Power
d. Environmental Preferable Purchasing

Glendale City Council Watch

Eco-Items on the Agenda for 6/8/2021 
6 pm Meeting

Live Feed / Agenda:

Consent items

4f PSA for the Streetcar Feasibility Study

Action Items

            Budget items

            8b Gann Limits

            8c GWP Transfer


9a GWP: Glendale 2020 Urban Water Management Plan. Public Hearing and Plan Adoption

9b GWP: Glendale 2020 Water Shortage Contingency Plan. Public Hearing and Plan Adoption

9c.  FY 2021-22 Budget Hearing and Adoption including:
1. Hold a Public Hearing on the FY 2021-22 Proposed Citywide Budget and Fee Schedule for the City of Glendale
2. Resolution Adopting the FY 2021-22 City of Glendale Budget
3. Resolution Establishing or Modifying Certain Fees for Various Services, Permits, and Certificates Provided by the City, and Amending the Comprehensive Citywide Fee Schedule for FY 2021-22
4. Resolution Increasing Certain Existing Fees in the Comprehensive Citywide Fee Schedule for FY 2021-22 for Public Works, Community Development, and Fire Related Services, Permits, and Certificates
5. Resolution Providing for the Establishment of Classification Titles and Compensation for Employees of the City of Glendale Covered by the Glendale Management Association Memorandum of Understanding, Including Employee Relations Exempt Classifications
6. Resolution Providing for the Establishment of Classification Titles and Compensation for Appointed Executive Level Employees of the City of Glendale
7. Resolution Approving the Glendale Water & Power Public Benefit Programs Plan and the Low Carbon Fuel Standard Programs Plan for Fiscal Years 2021-22 and 2022-23 and Authorizing Agreements to Implement Said Programs

All of the relevant documents have been posted for item 9c (Budget):

Highlighted item! GWP Public Benefits Plan & Low Carbon Fuel Standard Program INFO & BUDGET:

Glendale Water & Power Commission

Items on the Agenda for 6/7/2021
4 pm Meeting

3a Legislative Update

3b Renewable Portfolio Update

Want to comment on an agenda item? 

To provide feedback to City Council, you can call in when an item is up for discussion on the agenda or you can email your council members in advance:

Mayor Paula Devine:
Vrej Agajanian:
Dan Brotman:
Ardy Kassakhian:
Ara Najarian:

Note – Scheduling changes can and do occur. We try to keep this post updated if things change, but please consult the city website for official agendas.

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