City Council, 6 PM: Verdugo Wash Grant Funds Acceptance & Consultant; 1 PM: Fleet Electrification Plan Update
City Council, 6 PM: Verdugo Wash Project Phase-Two Study
City Council, 6 PM: Item 7A, Ordinance Amending Title 8 of the Glendale Municipal Code, to Add Chapter 8.50 Prohibiting the Use of Gas-Powered Leaf Blowers; Item 8A, Fremont Park Renovation Contract (includes artificial turf sports field.)
City Council, 6 PM: Replacement of Gas-Powered Landscape Maintenance Equipment with Zero Emission Battery Powered Equipment for all Park Facilities in the City of Glendale to Achieve Green Zone Certification; North Brand Boulevard Complete Streets Demonstration Project
City Council, 6 PM: Lease Agreement between the City of Glendale and Southern California Edison Company for use of real properties for the purpose of constructing a passive park, City of Glendale Zero-Emission Bus Rollout Plan
City Council, 6 PM: Update on the State of the Urban Forest & Greater Enforcement Mechanisms for Public and Indigenous Tree Protection
City Council has TWO sessions this Tuesday. 2 PM: Dog Park at Parking Lot 11; 6 PM: Community Beautification Project, Fremont Park, Solar PV at 8 City-owned Sites
Spread the word! Small businesses and sole proprietors can purchase discounted zero-emission lawn mowers, blowers and more through funding from the CARB’s Clean Off-Road Equipment (CORE). There are $27 million of voucher funds available, but funding will go fast.
Help us advocate for Natural Grass vs. Plastic Grass for 5 Glendale sports fields (7 acres) at Glendale City Council on Tuesday, June 28, 2022 at 6pm
Sustainability and Parks Commissioners will hear a “triple bottom line” Life Cycle Analysis from Citadel EHS, which was commissioned by the City of Glendale after the Parks Commission voted 3 to 2 in favor of natural grass alternatives for Glendale sports fields in 2021.
Your support is needed for the Verdugo Wash Project! Call in to support at Council next Tuesday AND take the survey to give your input.
This week at City Council: GWP’s Appeal of Planning Commission’s denial of Conditional Use Permit and Special Recreation Review regarding a proposed SCHOLL BIOGAS PROJECT, Traffic Signal Modifications, and Emergency ordinance extension of ordinance prohibiting issuance of entitlements and/or permits for hotels.
This week at City Council: Submission of a Cal Fire grant for 500 Trees for South Glendale, rejection of single bid received for 12K line upgrades and reissue of bid, purchase of two used CNG trash trucks and consideration of 10 month extension on the moratorium on issuance of entitlements or permits for new hotel construction.
This week at City Council, Edible Food Recovery Services contract, Feasibility of Dog Parks, Senate Bill 9 and Preservation & Reuse of Rockhaven Sanitarium.
This week at City Council: GWP Grayson Repowering Item -RFP for Unit 9 Separation and Demolition & Site Improvements; $45K Artificial Turf & Natural Grass Lifecycle Analysis contract; Adoption of Disposable Foodware Accessories Ordinance; Urban Forestry Report including staff recommendations for action and requests for funding based upon previous council direction to find ways to strategically increase, water and tend Glendale’s Urban Tree Canopy.