City Council Recap – February 16, 2021

Glendale City Council Recap

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February 16, 2021, 6PM
EXCERPTS (Eco-related Items only)
City Council/Staff Comments:
  • Mayor Agajanian announced that the City of Glendale is seeking ideas from the community as part of the 2021 Global Mayors Challenge sponsored by Bloomberg Philanthropies. The competition seeks to unearth transformative ideas that have the potential to move cities forward from the COVID-19 pandemic. Includes the category Climate & environment, “tackling the root causes and effects of climate change in order to build more livable and resilient cities.” MORE INFO
  • Councilmember Kassakhian nominated Rondi Werner  to the Sustainability Commission. This is the final nomination to the Sustainability Commission.
  • Councilmember Brotman requested Staff do research into parking utilization of the developments on Central (are there surplus spots or is parking spilling over into residential neighborhoods?) Seconded by Najarian. Said research will be helpful when looking at new Downtown parking requirement code, to bring them in alignment with efforts to reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled and residential development costs, which contribute to our affordable housing problem. Brotman also voiced concern regarding 5 large artificial turf fields being proposed in Glendale. He cited Glendale Environmental Coalition’s recent Letter of Concern. He shares these concerns and thinks that since the projects were originally proposed, there have been developments in natural grass alternatives that should be considered. Brotman also wants to make sure there is enough time to discuss the installations and alternatives before moving forward with these projects.  Mr. Golanian said the city would take a look at GEC”s research. He noted that these projects were vetted by the previous council, and that Brotman and Councilmember Kassakhian would be brought up to speed as to the reasons artificial turf was originally proposed. The project will not move forward unless council approves the first step:  adoption of plans and specifications.
  • Councilmember Najarian’s nomination to the Sustainability Commission, Haig Kartounian, was unanimously approved. Mr. Kartounian works with SoCal Edison where he is responsible for SCE’s engagements with government associations, including the League of CA Cities, CA State Association of Counties, Southern CA Association of Governments, and councils of governments. He noted on is application that he is an advocate for clean energy, building and transportation electrification policy priorities. READ Mr. Kartounian’s Commission Application
Consent Items (pulled):
  • Item 4d (was a consent item and was pulled). Letter opposing the proposed Griffith Park Tram was unanimously approved.

Councilmember Devine made a few corrections/amendments to the proposed letter, which was then approved, and noted that all but two of the proposed start positions for the tram have been nixed. The two viable options are Warner Brothers and the Martinez Arena, the latter a location which would greatly impact Glendale’s Rancho area horse riding amenities.





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