Glendale City Council Watch
(Note: No council meeting on 11/10/20)

Items on the agenda for 11/17/20:

Item 1a in closed session re City Manager
Item 1b in closed session re GWP Manager

Item 4e (consent calendar item) refers to CalRecycle’s City Payment Program:
New CalRecycle funds will be used for community outreach such as specialty school recycling education programs, multi-family recycling totes, community newsletters and internal recycling collection containers for commercial customers. Recycling program outreach has become more critical as the City continues to implement State mandates that require recycling at apartment buildings and business establishments.

Item 4f – Contract Award for Weed Control Services.

Staff recommends a contract that (per council instruction) more clearly prohibits use of glysophal and the most highly toxic pesticides, but still allows other EPA-approved and pre-emergent treatments ($122,400). Per council direction, an alternate bid was done pricing out using purely organic herbicidal treatments and hand pulling. Staff considers this option too expensive ($372,600). Contract also expands treatment area to include approx. 5 acres on the San Fernando corridor that were formally city responsibility. Details:



To provide feedback, you can call in when an item is up for discussion on the agenda or you can email your council members in advance:

Mayor Vrej Agajanian:

Dan Brotman:

Note – Scheduling changes can and do occur. We try to keep this post updated if things change, but please consult the city website for official agendas.

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