Update – August, 2019

Update on YES to CLEAN ENERGY,  NO to NEW GAS at GRAYSON Campaign.

Success! Thanks to all of the hard work, input, and continuous pressure from the community, City Council placed conditions on GWP’s proposal for Glendale’s energy plans, and asked staff to push for more renewable power, transmission, and other ways to reduce the need for natural gas generation. Thank you to all who played a part! The final decision is still to come, and we will continue to work toward our goal of NO NEW GAS in Glendale. We’ll need your participation in the coming months. We hope you’ll keep working with us as we continue to push for sustainable policy for our city.

Learn More About GEC’s  “Yes to Clean Energy, No to New Gas at Grayson” Campaign
Read GEC / SIERRA CLUB Open Letter to Glendale City Council critiquing the GWP proposal and suggesting a path forward.

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