City Council Watch – March 22, 2022

This week at City Council: Single Use Plastic Prohibition Expansion, and Polystyrene prohibition; Amendment to the City of Glendale Building Code to Require All Electric Design, Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic, and Higher Energy Performance for New Construction

SPECIAL City Council Watch – March 1, 2022

This week at City Council: Council considers a proposal from Councilmember Brotman that would move forward with important parts of the Alternative 7 Grayson Repowering project, but delay purchase of the five Warsila gas engines. The motion is to direct staff to look for additional distributed clean energy resources and to work with LA on obtaining additional reserves. The resolution provides direction related to the Alternative 7 schedule, which would delay a decision on the purchase of gas engines, while GWP works to eliminate or reduce the need for them.

Grayson Repowering EIR Narrowly Approved

By a 3-2 vote, Glendale City Council certified the Grayson Repowering FEIR. With another 3-2 vote, they approved the report’s Alternative 7, which includes five new fossil fuel burning engines at an estimated cost of $260 million, along with a battery energy storage system. Council has agreed to consider amending the project approval in two weeks.

If not gas, what?

If not gas, what? We know a lot of folks out there have that question. It is a good question! We all want reliable power. We want that reliable power to be clean. We want that power to not only be reliable, and clean, but also local, so that we have less reliance on importing clean energy through transmission lines.…

Glendale Environmental Coalition

Action & Advocacy for a Sustainable Glendale, CA

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