This week at the Sustainability Commission: Equity & Climate Action Plan, GWP Green Power Programs, Legacy Trees Report, Earth Day 2022, Car Sharing Blue LA, Food Waste in Airports & Zero Waste Events

This week at the Sustainability Commission: Equity & Climate Action Plan, GWP Green Power Programs, Legacy Trees Report, Earth Day 2022, Car Sharing Blue LA, Food Waste in Airports & Zero Waste Events
This week at City Council – 2PM & 6PM Meetings: Density Bonus Incentives, Consideration of a Moratorium on Hotel Development in Downtown Glendale, Amendment to increase Stantec contract by $75,000 for Scholl Biogas CEQA Process
This week at the GWP Commission, a report on Solar and Storage Development at City Owned Properties.
Clean Air Day is October 6, 2021, and the Glendale Environmental Coalition is joining more than 600 organizations asking members to take one or more actions that day to improve air quality. Join other GEC members and take the clean air pledge.
This week at City Council: GWP’s 2020 Power Content Label (Power Source Disclosure); Resolution adopting the City Investment Policy for Fiscal Year 2021-2022; Scholl Biogas Project Planning Commission Oct 6 plus links
This week at City Council: GWP Grayson Repowering Item -RFP for Unit 9 Separation and Demolition & Site Improvements; $45K Artificial Turf & Natural Grass Lifecycle Analysis contract; Adoption of Disposable Foodware Accessories Ordinance; Urban Forestry Report including staff recommendations for action and requests for funding based upon previous council direction to find ways to strategically increase, water and tend Glendale’s Urban Tree Canopy.
The July Memo Update on Glendale’s Clean Energy Programs is out! Read on to see how the various projects are progressing.
This week at City Council: Slow Streets Program Installation & Maintenance; Introduction of Disposable Foodware Accessories Ordinance; Addition of 117 Shelter/Shade Structures for Bus Stops.
The Grayson Repowering Project is back in new form, with investments in 93 MW–101 MW of new or refurbished gas-burning equipment proposed as part of the project. Join your community to advocate for clean energy solutions and say no to new gas at Grayson, again.
Learn about the health and environmental dangers of gas-powered maintenance equipment, how to find a list of green landscapers or transition your landscapers away from gas to electric maintenance equipment, how to find rebates for transitioning to electric powered equipment, and more from American Green Zone Alliance.