In this webinar, recorded June, 27, 2021, guest speakers from City of Glendale Integrated Waste, along with GEC Moderator and Vermicomposter Monica Campagna, talk about ways to manage organic waste, whether you live in an apartment, condo, or house.

In this webinar, recorded June, 27, 2021, guest speakers from City of Glendale Integrated Waste, along with GEC Moderator and Vermicomposter Monica Campagna, talk about ways to manage organic waste, whether you live in an apartment, condo, or house.
In this webinar, recorded August 1, 2021, Guest speaker Laura Allen of Greywater Action speaks about simple, affordable, and popular home greywater systems and how you can install one in your own yard.
This week at City Council: Class II Bikelanes, Creative Crosswalks, Sidewalk Repair, Drought Mandates, Ordinance regulating the use of Disposable Foodware Accessories (motion to prepare an ordinance). ALSO – SAVE THE DATES and LINKS regarding proposed Scholl Canyon Biogas Project and Grayson Repowering Project (including new gas peaker units.)
Grayson Environmental Report Update, GW&P Water Overview, Climate Action Plan RFP Update, Sustainable Purchasing Program Update, and Reach Code Information Report. Update re: Zero Waste Picnic
Glendale City Council votes unanimously to move forward with Glendale joining the Race to Zero campaign. Council members raise various subjects including increasing EV charging in Glendale, potential city support for a state-wide ban on gas-powered landscaping equipment, and a potential ordinance to prevent excessive light pollution.
This week at City Council: Adoption of Ordinance establishing an exclusive 4-zone, franchise system for solid waste collection services of commercial establishments and applicable multi-family establishments. Also, contracts discussion, including resolution establishing franchise zones and franchise fee amounts.
This week at City Council: Introduction of 4K to 12K feeder replacement (GWP); Pipeline Management RFP (GWP); Motion recommending the City Pledge to participate in the Race to Zero
The June Memo Update on Glendale’s Clean Energy Programs is out! Read on to see how the various projects are progressing.
Glendale City Council votes unanimously to move forward with an ordinance change to allowing backyard beekeeping in residential zones, Councilmember Najarian introduces the Metro Micro service and Councilmember Brotman requests an implementation plan for the transition of all of Glendale’s parks and properties from gas to electric landscaping equipment, now that funding has been allocated, as well as a plan to expand this policy city-wide.
This week at City Council: Introduction of Franchise Hauling Ordinance, West Glendale Sustainable Transportation and Land Use Study