This week at City Council: Race to Zero pledging to reach (net)-zero in the 2040s or sooner.
Report will be presented by Sustainability Manager, David Jones

This week at City Council: Race to Zero pledging to reach (net)-zero in the 2040s or sooner.
Report will be presented by Sustainability Manager, David Jones
We are thankful for President Joe Biden’s April 24 statement from the White House officially and properly recognizing the Armenian genocide.
The Peak Savings program is a demand response program for residential and commercial customers. By reducing electric demand, you reduce GWP’s need to potentially use additional non-renewable energy resources to provide power to its customers.
Congratulations to Glendale’s Parks Department for the certification of eight of our parks to Certified Green Zones! Learn about programs that can help you make the switch from gas to electric landscape equipment too!
The City of Glendale has launched a website to promote the Verdugo Wash Project and collect feedback for the Verdugo Wash Visioning study. We hope that GEC members will explore the website to learn a bit more about this exciting project and then TAKE THE SURVEY to offer your input!
The Glendale Community Services & Parks Commission is recommending natural grass instead of artificial turf for five fields on Glendale’s near-term capital improvement list, the first two being Fremont Park and Pacific Park.
GEC’s letter included three follow up asks: (1) motion to commit to achieving 100% clean energy by 2035; (2) annual updates assessing our progress toward 100% clean energy; (3) new RFPs for a commercial solar program and other local distributed energy resources
This week at City Council: 3b Senator Portantino’s Legislative Update, CERT Program Overview and Future, Outgoing Mayor’s Comments, Selection of a New Mayor, New Mayor’s Comments, Single Use Plastics Ordinance in City Facilities, Direction on the future of the slow streets program
Ascend Analytics’ 100% Clean Energy by 2030 analysis is well received, follow up action requested; Hazard Pay passes; The ordinance for a ban on polystyrene and single use plastics for city sponsored events and city facilities had its first reading and will come back for a vote; the city plans for 5 electric buses and accepts funding for charging infrastructure.
Please help our neighbors in Eagle Rock by attending and supporting the community-generated “Beautiful Boulevard” three-zone proposal for the NoHo to Pasadena Transit Corridor with Metro refinements, Thursday, April 1, 5-7PM.