Take the Verdugo Wash Visioning Survey

The City of Glendale has launched a website to promote the Verdugo Wash Project and collect feedback for the Verdugo Wash Visioning study. We hope that GEC members will explore the website to learn a bit more about this exciting project and then TAKE THE SURVEY to offer your input!

City Council Watch – April 6, 2021

This week at City Council: 3b Senator Portantino’s Legislative Update, CERT Program Overview and Future, Outgoing Mayor’s Comments, Selection of a New Mayor, New Mayor’s Comments, Single Use Plastics Ordinance in City Facilities, Direction on the future of the slow streets program

City Council Recap – March 30, 2021

Ascend Analytics’ 100% Clean Energy by 2030 analysis is well received, follow up action requested; Hazard Pay passes; The ordinance for a ban on polystyrene and single use plastics for city sponsored events and city facilities had its first reading and will come back for a vote; the city plans for 5 electric buses and accepts funding for charging infrastructure.

Glendale Environmental Coalition

Action & Advocacy for a Sustainable Glendale, CA

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