City Council Watch – March 30, 2021

This week at City Council: Hazard Pay, Mayoral Selection, 100% Clean Energy by 2030 Study; Ordinance prohibiting the use of polystyrene and single use plastics in the serving of prepared food at certain City managed events and facilities; Electric Bus Charging Infrastructure funding and more.

City Council & Sustainability Commission Watch – March 9 & 11, 2021

This week at City Council: Traffic Signals, Fuel Kiosks, Beeline Facility Rooftop Solar, Shared Mobility Contract, contract award for Owner’s Engineering services for solar energy and storage development at City-owned properties, and to study the impact of distributed energy projects on the City’s electrical grid. Also, first meeting of the Sustainability Commission (plus commission agenda and links)

City Council Watch – March 2, 2021

Study Session – Status of Mobility Projects and Programs; 3c Appointment of Board and Commission Member (Kassakhian, 2/16/21) Rondi Werner, Sustainability Commission; 8b Status of the Slow Streets Program and Future Direction of the Program; 8e Glendale Water and Power, re: Progress on Glendale’s Clean Energy Future; 10a Environmental Preferable Purchasing Report

City Council Recap – February 16, 2021

Council unanimously approved the letter from City of Glendale opposing the proposed Griffith Park Tram. Mr. Najarian’s nomination to the Sustainability Commission, Haig Kartounian, was unanimously approved. Mr. Kassakhian nominated Rondi Werner to the Sustainability Commission (final nomination for this commission. If approved, the commission can begin to meet.)

City Council Recap – February 2, 2021

Council voted to have staff draft a letter opposing the Griffith Park Aerial Tram project which they will then review and vote upon. A Metro Board funding increase to the Doran railroad crossing project was discussed and key project highlights announced. There was a request for additional reporting to be included in an Urban Tree Report.

Glendale Environmental Coalition

Action & Advocacy for a Sustainable Glendale, CA

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