City Council, 6 PM: 2023 Power Content Label; Glendale Water and Power, re: Plan to Increase Glendale Water and Power (GWP) Customer Solar Adoption and Develop Additional Distributed Energy Resources (E3 Study)
This week at the GWP Commission: E3 / Wildan present Plan to Increase Solar Adoption and Develop Additional Distributed Energy Resources
City Council, 6 PM: Discussion of pathways selected to study for 2024 Integrated Resource Plan (Note & File Item); PSA to develop the Glendale Recycling Facility Master Plan for 2025-2045 (Consent Item)
City Council, 6 PM: Item 8A, Professional Services Agreement with Energy and Environmental Economics, Inc. (E3) to assist Glendale Water and Power (GWP) with the Development of a Plan to Increase Solar Penetration and Develop Additional Distributed Energy Resources (DER)
This week at the GWP Commission: Public Benefits Program presentation, Energy Briefing presentation
City Council 6 PM: (Item 8a) Status Update on the Request for Proposals (RFP) for Local Clean Distributed Energy Resources (DER); (Item 8b) EcoMotion Report—Review of Glendale Water & Power Department Public Benefit Charge Programs, Findings and Recommendations
City Council 6 PM: Adoption of REACH CODE ORDINANCE (Building Electrification, Solar Photovoltaic and Electric Vehicle Charging Installations); Final Verdugo Wash Visioning presentation and next steps; RFP for development of a plan to significantly increase solar penetration and develop additional Distributed Energy Resources (DER) in Glendale.
This week at the GWP Commission: Grayson Repowering Project letter from GWP Commission, GWP Budget Overview, Local Clean Distributed Energy Resources Request for Proposal
This week at the GWP Commission: Clean Energy Update, Electric Reliability Report