The July Memo Update on Glendale’s Clean Energy Programs is out! Read on to see how the various projects are progressing.

The July Memo Update on Glendale’s Clean Energy Programs is out! Read on to see how the various projects are progressing.
Glendale City Council votes unanimously to move forward with Glendale joining the Race to Zero campaign. Council members raise various subjects including increasing EV charging in Glendale, potential city support for a state-wide ban on gas-powered landscaping equipment, and a potential ordinance to prevent excessive light pollution.
The June Memo Update on Glendale’s Clean Energy Programs is out! Read on to see how the various projects are progressing.
Sustainability Commission Agenda includes Regulation of Disposable Foodware Accessories, Appointment of (non-voting) Student Commission Members, Just Transition to Clean Energy, Intern Projects, Climate Action Plan update and more.
These projects will benefit the entire Glendale Community and leave the City of Glendale in a better position to both mitigate the effects of climate change and reduce our impacts.
The June Memo Update on Glendale’s Clean Energy Programs is out! Read on to see how the various projects are progressing.
This week at City Council: Race to Zero pledging to reach (net)-zero in the 2040s or sooner.
Report will be presented by Sustainability Manager, David Jones
The Peak Savings program is a demand response program for residential and commercial customers. By reducing electric demand, you reduce GWP’s need to potentially use additional non-renewable energy resources to provide power to its customers.
GEC’s letter included three follow up asks: (1) motion to commit to achieving 100% clean energy by 2035; (2) annual updates assessing our progress toward 100% clean energy; (3) new RFPs for a commercial solar program and other local distributed energy resources
Ascend Analytics’ 100% Clean Energy by 2030 analysis is well received, follow up action requested; Hazard Pay passes; The ordinance for a ban on polystyrene and single use plastics for city sponsored events and city facilities had its first reading and will come back for a vote; the city plans for 5 electric buses and accepts funding for charging infrastructure.
This week at City Council: Hazard Pay, Mayoral Selection, 100% Clean Energy by 2030 Study; Ordinance prohibiting the use of polystyrene and single use plastics in the serving of prepared food at certain City managed events and facilities; Electric Bus Charging Infrastructure funding and more.
This week at City Council: Traffic Signals, Fuel Kiosks, Beeline Facility Rooftop Solar, Shared Mobility Contract, contract award for Owner’s Engineering services for solar energy and storage development at City-owned properties, and to study the impact of distributed energy projects on the City’s electrical grid. Also, first meeting of the Sustainability Commission (plus commission agenda and links)
Study Session – Status of Mobility Projects and Programs; 3c Appointment of Board and Commission Member (Kassakhian, 2/16/21) Rondi Werner, Sustainability Commission; 8b Status of the Slow Streets Program and Future Direction of the Program; 8e Glendale Water and Power, re: Progress on Glendale’s Clean Energy Future; 10a Environmental Preferable Purchasing Report
City Council approves motion requesting staff to prepare an ordinance prohibiting use of Polystyrene and Single Use Plastics at City Facilities and City Events and council members make first two nominations to Sustainability Commission.