Glendale City Council Watch

Eco-Items on the Agenda for 3/2/21:

2 PM SPECIAL MEETING (Livestream/Agenda)
    • Item 1 Community Development, re: Study Session – Status of Mobility Projects and Programs:

      1. Citywide Pedestrian Safety Plan Update
      2. Slow Streets Program Status
      3. Traffic Impact Study Status
      4. Bicycle Transportation Plan Status
      5. Vision Zero



6 PM REGULAR MEETING (Livestream/Agenda)
    • 3c Appointment of Board and Commission Member (Kassakhian) Rondi Werner, Sustainability Commission (Application)
      If Ms. Werner’s appointment is approved, the required number of Sustainability Commission members will have been appointed, and the commission can begin to meet.
    • 8b Status of the Slow Streets Program and Future Direction of the Program
      Motion directing staff on future actions of the Slow Streets Program including whether to terminate the program, leave the program in place as is without future sign replacement or repair, or identify solutions and criteria for a permanent program.
    • 8e Glendale Water and Power, re: Progress on Glendale’s Clean Energy Future (FULL REPORT) and
      1. Motion approving an amendment to the Lime Energy Services Company Commercial Direct Install Energy Efficiency Program to allow participation by large commercial customers
      GEC SUPPORTS: Please call or email your support for the Clean Energy Programs. We support the motion to approve an amendment to the Lime Energy Commercial Direct Install Energy Efficiency Program to allow participation by large commercial customers.
      Update in Brief:
      (1) The Franklin Demand Response Program will launch enrollment April 5th, 2021.
      Lime Energy’s contract may be amended to include large customers (with council approval) and is estimated to launch May, 2021.
      (3) Sunrun’s arrangement with GWP is novel. Discussions and a pre-certification request with the CA Energy Commission are in process to allow Category 1, Renewable Energy Credits for this program to go to Glendale. Sunrun to file a formal application for pre-certification of the program to confirm eligibility as a PCC1 eligible renewable resource.  Once approved, the contract terms can be finalized. Pricing has been negotiated (info in report).  All negotiations are projected to be complete by Summer.
      (4) The Cost of Service Analysis is proceeding.
      (5) The Civic Center Parking Garage structural engineering contract (to prep for future solar and possibly storage) is expected to be executed March, 2021.
      (6) The Owner’s Engineering firm contract to develop plans and specifications for potential solar and storage on city-owned properties will come to council March 9 for consideration.
      (7) Ascend Analytics’ “100% Clean by 2030” analysis is almost complete and will be presented at Council on March 30, 2021.
    • 10a Environmental Preferable Purchasing (EPP) REPORT
      GEC has advocated for an EPP, supports this effort and encourages the City to move forward in crafting a concrete plan.
Want to comment on an agenda item? 

To provide feedback to City Council, you can call in when an item is up for discussion on the agenda or you can email your council members in advance:

Mayor Vrej Agajanian:
Ara Najarian:
Paula Devine:
Ardy Kassakhian:
Dan Brotman:

Note – Scheduling changes can and do occur. We try to keep this post updated if things change, but please consult the city website for official agendas.


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