City Council Recap – November 17, 2020


November 17 2020, 6PM
EXCERPTS (Eco-related Items only)

Full Agenda & Meeting Video 

Consent Item (pulled):

Consent Item 4F: Public Works, re: Contract Award for Weed Control Services.
The motion authorizing the Interim City Manager to execute a contract with Pest Options, Inc. in the amount of $122,400 annually for a period of three years or $367,200 total, for Weed Control Services for the City of Glendale was approved unanimously, with the understanding that staff would audit the vendor’s ability to implement an organic solution mid contract in lieu of the chemical controls proposed. The City of Glendale does not use gylsophate (the active ingredient in Roundup); however, this vendor does utilize four EPA approved chemicals: .

Capstone – Aminopylarid family. For postemergent use on broadleaf, brush, vine plants
Vanquish – Dicamba family. Post-emergent broadleaf plant, shrub, vine control
Vaquero – Clethodim family. Post-emergent grass control
Vastlan – Triclopyr family. Approved for use on broadleaf, brush, vine, aquatic plants

Council members agreed that they would like to come back in one year and access the products/contract to determine if there are new recommendations for alternate, non-chemical methods. Proposed by Brotman, Seconded by Najarian. Mr. Emrani’s staff was requested to take a look at other methods and report back and possibly request input from the Sustainability Commission. Look for this topic to be addressed again in 12 months.

Council Comments:

Council Member Devine inquired about Glendale’s involvement with utilizing the Southern California Association of Government’s ‘Regional Climate Adaptation Framework’ tools. The city manager confirmed Glendale’s Sustainability Director, Mr. Jones, was in contact with them, and there was a discussion ongoing and that this would be something the sustainability commission would be looking into as well.

Council Member Devine also inquired about the start of the Sustainability Commission Appointments. Mr. Golanian confirmed the schedule: (1) candidate submission guidelines created in November, (2) potential candidates interviewed in December, (3) nominations in January, (4) first meeting in February.

Ms. Devine brought awareness to her attendance of GEC’s virtual panel on Environmental Justice, and how her main takeaway was the discussion surrounding inadequate transportation connectivity for dedicated bicycle lane infrastructure and opportunities to improve bus transportation user experience.

Public Comment:

A Glen Oaks Canyon Homeowners Association board member called in to discuss the fate of Scholl Canyon, and how one of the original agreements from 1959 ensured the county would transfer the land to the city where it would be developed for park and recreational uses. She requested the council put the bio gas project on hold until the closure plan for the landfill has been created.

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