City Council Watch – October 19, 2021

Glendale City Council Watch

Eco-Items on the Agenda for 10/19/2021

6 pm Regular Meeting
Live Feed / Agenda:


a.. Management Services, re: Environmentally Preferable Purchasing

Motion to direct staff to develop an Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Policy to set a standard of sustainable and environmentally preferable procurement and demonstrate the City’s commitment to environmental, economic and social stewardship

b. Community Development, re: Authorization to Release RFP to Update the Bicycle Transportation Plan

Resolution Authorizing Release of a Request for Proposals to update the Citywide Bicycle Transportation Plan

c. Public Works, re: Standardization of Wheeled Carts for the Collection of Refuse, Recyclables and Organic Materials to Toter, LLC (Toter)

Resolution adopting Toter as the City-standard for wheeled carts for the collection of refuse, recyclables and organic materials, and dispense with competitive bidding for the procurement of wheeled carts, onsite replacement service and wheeled cart parts for the collection of refuse, recyclables and organic materials from Toter

d. Public Works, re: Contract for Sign, Paint and Thermoplastic Road Marking Maintenance Services for Motorist, Bicyclist and Pedestrian Safety

Resolution dispensing with competitive bidding and authorizing the City Manager or his designee to execute an amendment to Contract No. 8000736 with Sterndahl Enterprises, Inc. increasing the amount by $351,420 for the Installation of Class II Bike Lanes and Creative Crosswalks and Pedestrian and Bike Lane Striping and Configuration Maintenance

e. Public Works, re: Contract Amendment for Recycling Center Operations

Motion authorizing a contract amendment with Cedarwood-Young Company DBA Allan Company, for operation of the Recycling Center, increasing the contract amount by $350,000 and extending the contract duration to March 31, 2022


The Grayson Repowering Project (with 93 – 101MW of new gas-burning equipment) Partially Recirculated Draft Environmental Impact Report (PR-DEIR) is open for public review until November 15. If you wish to submit a comment, send an e-mail to, with “Grayson Repowering Project PR-DEIR” in the subject line and consider copying the city council members. After this time, the Final EIR will go to various commissions for review, and then to City Council for approval/direction.

Most importantly, your comments are needed at City Council and to City Council and Commission Members. We will provide more information about how to submit comments closer to when the commissions and council will consider the project.


Joint GWP & Sustainability Commission presentation of Final Environmental Impact Report – TBD (projected January 2022)
City Council – TBD (projected January 2022)

Link to to Partially Recirculated Draft EIR:

Want to comment on an agenda item?
Call In When the Item is Up: (818) 937-8100

And/Or Email your council members in advance:

Mayor Paula Devine:
Vrej Agajanian:
Dan Brotman:
Ardy Kassakhian:
Ara Najarian:

Note – Scheduling changes can and do occur. We try to keep this post updated if things change, but please consult the city website for official agendas.

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