LA Metro’s North Hollywood-Pasadena Bus Rapid Transit project is in the Draft Environmental Impact Report phase and the deadline for comments on the draft project is Monday, December 28. The Glendale Environmental Coalition supports Metro’s preferred street alignment through Glendale as it will increase our community’s access to transit, provide more transportation options, and thereby reduce GHG emissions.

GEC also supports the Eagle Rock community-generated “Beautiful Boulevard” three-zone proposal, improving on Metro’s current options. Their solution would make Colorado a safer street with a more vibrant Downtown Eagle Rock, preserve medians, provide protected bike lanes, expand sidewalks and landscaping, provide Eagle Rock with quality transit, and mitigate traffic concerns.

GEC sent a comment letter (view here) urging Metro to move forward with Glendale’s street alignment, and Eagle Rock’s Beautiful Boulevard proposal. Please send a quick email in support to Metro at!

UPDATE (January, 2021) – You can now sign Beautiful Boulevard’s petition and add a personal comment:

Zone 2 - from the "Beautiful Boulevard" Proposal -
GEC's NoHo to Pasadena, BRT DEIR Comment Letter

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