Scholl Canyon litigation (closed session); Brand Boulevard Complete Streets Demonstration Project; Resolution to Accept State of California Grant in the amount of $8 Million for Rockhaven

Scholl Canyon litigation (closed session); Brand Boulevard Complete Streets Demonstration Project; Resolution to Accept State of California Grant in the amount of $8 Million for Rockhaven
This week at the Parks, Recreation and Community Services Commission: Verdugo Wash Project update and motion providing feedback.
This week at City Council: CLEAN ENERGY RESOLUTION, GRAYSON REPOWERING PROJECT, plus Glendale Beeline Participation in Metro’s Student Fareless System Initiative Pilot Program known as GoPass
This week at City Council: Final Report and Recommendations of the Glendale Blue Ribbon Pension Review Committee (2 PM); Glendale Water & Power (GWP) Energy Risk Management Policy and Trading Authority Policy (6 PM)
If you own an EV (or EVs), consider signing up for GWP’s new Off-Peak EV Charging Rebate program! Help Glendale shave peak loads and avoid investments in gas. Charge from 9pm-12noon weekdays (all day on weekends) and receive $8/monthly as an incentive!
This week at the Sustainability Commission: Introduction of 2 Student Ex Officio Members, Motion to recommend the adoption of an Environmentally Preferred Purchasing Policy
Celebrate the Monarch Butterfly Waystation in the Adams Square Mini Park this Sunday! Learn how you can attract and support Monarch Butterflies in your own yard!
This week at City Council: Vision Zero Introduction and Update; Swearing In Ceremony for newly elected Glendale officials
This week at the Sustainability Commission: Selection of 2 Student Ex Officio Members, Organics Recycling Update, Verdugo Wash Visioning Update, Building Electrification and Reach Code Project Update, Climate Action & Adaptation Plan Update
This week at City Council: GWP Annual Authority for the Purchase or Sale of Energy Commodities and Services; Annual Update to Glendale Water and Power’s (GWP’s) Wildfire Mitigation Plan; Motion providing direction to staff on the use of artificial turf as the preferred surface type for multipurpose fields based on the findings of the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Triple Bottom Line (3BL) Assessment; Fremont Park Soccer Field – Plastic or Grass?