City Council Recap – October 20, 2020

CITY COUNCIL RECAP October 20, 2020, 6PM EXCERPTS (Eco-related Items only) Full Agenda & Meeting Video  Staff Comments: Devine mentioned that the council received a text from Assembly member Quirk in support of the council’s decision regarding the Mylar balloons. Brotman acknowledged the clean energy program approvals and requested further exploration on five topics: Evaluating solar within the commercial sector, including…

3 Local Clean Energy Projects Move Forward

Franklin Energy’s Residential and Commercial Demand Response program & Lime Energy’s Commercial Energy Efficiency Program move forward. Sunrun’s Virtual Power Plant moves into final negotiations and could be the largest single-family and multi-family residential Virtual Power Plant of its kind in the nation!

City Council Recap – October 13, 2020

CITY COUNCIL RECAP Glendale City Council Meeting, 6PM, October 13, 2020 Full Agenda / Full Meeting Video EXCERPTS (Eco-related Items only) We are very excited to update you regarding this particular Glendale City Council meeting. The outcome of this meeting presented a real victory for our city’s clean energy future, and we want to thank all of you who emailed…

City Council Recap – September 29, 2020

CITY COUNCIL RECAP Special Meeting, 6PM, September 29, 2020 Full Agenda / Full Meeting Video EXCERPTS (Eco-related Items only) Please see agenda and full video for additional items discussed. 1: In staff comments – Council Member Devine praised GWP and the City of Glendale for joining the LA Clean Tech Incubator’s “Transportation Electrification Partnership” as part of the Advisory Group…

Clean Energy Report – GWP Commission – Outcomes
CLEAN ENERGY MOMENTUM! UPDATE: GWP Commission heard a report on the first three clean energy projects (see details below) and discussed additional clean energy strategies moving forward. The outcome is a motion that will be presented next to City Council. It went through some amending and landed as follows: Motion recommending to the City Council and the City Manager to…
City Council Recap – September 22, 2020

CITY COUNCIL RECAP Special Meeting, 2PM, September 22, 2020 COMMERCIAL SOLAR MOTION MOVES FORWARD! City Council unanimously voted today to direct staff to explore hiring a consultant team to determine the feasibility of adopting a commercial solar PV requirement, and looking at a range of “reach codes” to include building electrification, battery storage and additional energy efficiency including cool roofs to make our buildings more energy efficient and reduce green house…

GEC & SIERRA CLUB Offer Solar Ordinance Concept Paper

GEC was pleased to work with Sierra Club to develop a Solar Ordinance Concept Paper for Glendale City Council and staff consideration. Glendale City Council has voted unanimously to direct staff to explore hiring a consultant team to determine the feasibility of adopting a commercial solar PV requirement, and looking at a range of “reach codes” to include battery storage and additional energy efficiency…

Glendale City Council Watch
Glendale City Council Watch ECO-RELATED ITEMS ON THE AGENDA Update - Item Postponed! Sep 14—Item 4A: Clean Energy Programs (GWP Commission Special Meeting, 4pm) Please see details below. Agenda/Watch/Comment Sep 15—Item 8B: Resolution recognizing the City’s history as a former “Sundown Town" (City Council, 6 pm) GEC has signed onto a letter of support. You may sign on here as an individual: Agenda/Watch/Comment Sep 22—(1) Solar on…
Glendale enters into a 25-year contract with Open Mountain for Geothermal Energy

GEC congratulates Glendale Water & Power on taking another step forward to meet our city’s clean energy goals. Glendale entered into two new contracts for geothermal energy, Whitegrass (3 megawatts annually beginning April, 2020) and Star Peak (12.5 megawatts annually beginning April, 2021). Both projects are located in Nevada. The 25-year contract with Open Mountain Energy will eventually provide the city…

Eland Solar Battery Project
Glendale Joins Eland Solar & Battery Project

GEC congratulates the City of Glendale on joining the ELAND Solar & Battery Project! With 25 MW of new solar power and 18.75 MW of battery storage, this is exactly the kind of initiative that our organization hoped our city would adopt in lieu of new gas at Grayson. The Eland Project is one piece of the clean energy puzzle,…

Clean Energy Campaign UPDATE

Update – August, 2019 Update on YES to CLEAN ENERGY,  NO to NEW GAS at GRAYSON Campaign. Success! Thanks to all of the hard work, input, and continuous pressure from the community, City Council placed conditions on GWP’s proposal for Glendale’s energy plans, and asked staff to push for more renewable power, transmission, and other ways to reduce the need…