City Council Watch – January 28, 2025

Eco Items on the Agenda

3 pm – Special City Council Meeting

Item 3. Public Works, re: Single Source Procurement of an Electric Vehicle (EV) Patrol Unit for the Glendale Police Department – REPORT

a. Resolution Dispensing with Competitive Bidding and authorizing the Deputy Director of Finance/Purchasing to issue a Purchase Order for an upfitted Tesla Model Y Patrol vehicle from Unplugged Performance Inc.
b. Resolution of appropriation to appropriate $27,758

Item 4. Public Works, re: Fleet Electrification Study Update
REPORT – Fleet Electrification Study Update

a. Motion to Note and File the Report on the Update to the Fleet Electrification Study and Provide Direction to Staff

6 pm Regular City Council Meeting



f. Public Works, re: Award Professional Services Agreement (PSA) to Stearns, Conrad and Schmidt Engineers Inc, dba SCS Engineers (SCS Engineers), to conduct a study of the feasibility of opening the Scholl Canyon Landfill (SCLF) wasteshed, to prepare a CEQA Analysis in relation to opening the wasteshed, and to perform a cost analysis comparing the existing flexible membrane liner/geosynthetic clay liner composite cover to evapotranspirative cover systems – REPORT

Motion authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to execute a PSA with SCS Engineers, to conduct a study of the feasibility of opening the SCLF wasteshed, to prepare a CEQA Analysis in relation to opening the wasteshed, and to perform a cost analysis comparing the existing flexible membrane liner/geosynthetic clay liner composite cover to evapotranspirative cover systems in the not-to-exceed amount of $142,500


d. Management Services, re: Introduction of an Ordinance Amending Glendale Municipal Code, 1995, Title 8 Chapter 8.42 To Amend and Restate the City’s Adopted Prohibitions on the Use of Polystyrene Products and Single Use Plastics – REPORT

1. Ordinance for Introduction
2. Motion directing staff to develop incentive programs to support the transition to the proposed Plastic Waste Reduction Regulations ordinance
3. Motion recommending City Council direct staff to engage the services of a consultant to provide continued education and support to organizations impacted by the Plastic Waste Reduction Regulations ordinance

1. Ordinance – Failed – Support from Councilmember Brotman, no other council support to move ordinance or to make changes to ordinance and re-consider.
2. Motion – Failed as written; however, there was enough councilmember support to ask the Sustainability Office (without additional paid help) to look into bulk buying and other incentive programs and bring a motion back to council.
3. Motion – Failed. Not enough council support

GEC Position on Item 8d –  YES on Updates to Plastic Waste Reduction Regulations
GEC urges a YES vote on all three related items:  (1) introducing the revised ordinance, (2) developing incentive programs and (3) engaging the services of a consultant to provide continued education and support to organizations impacted by the Plastic Waste Reduction Regulations ordinance.

The expanded ordinance will require:

  1. All single-use straws, stirrers and utensils must be fiber-based compostable starting July 1, 2025 (plastic straws upon request OK for those with disabilities)
  2. Foodware for to-go or delivery items must be compostable or recyclable by January 1, 2026. To-go foodware must be compostable by January 1, 2027.
  3. Large food and beverage facilities must use washable, reusable foodware for on-site dining starting January 1, 2026 (foil and paper wrappers, napkins are ok)
  4. All dining facilities must use washable, reusable foodware for on-site dining by July 1, 2026 (foil and paper wrappers, napkins are ok)

Why GEC Supports these additional elements of the Plastic Reduction Ordinance:

  • Plastic pollution (and the associated proliferation of micro plastics in the environment) is an urgent global crisis that affects our bodies, our waterways, our soil, our food, even the air we breathe.
  • The vast majority of plastic is derived from fossil fuels, meaning its production, transportation, and disposal all generate significant greenhouse gas emissions, contributing directly to global warming.
  • SIngle-use plastic litters our streets, parks and school campuses.
  • Non-compostable or recyclable plastic pollutes our waste streams, causing headaches for composting and recycling facilities.
  • Managing this waste also hits our pocketbooks. The city and, by extension, Glendale taxpayers, pay a great deal to manage this waste (litter cleanup, hauling fees, and potential hefty impact fees that can be levied on municipalities by the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, for example.)
  • A shocking 44% of plastic litter in the ocean is composed of takeout food and drink containers, according to this survey published in the journal Nature Sustainability.
  • Excellent outreach to 139 restaurant owners, in person, by City Staff and consultant ReCreate Waste Collaborative of both large and small establishments in Glendale + in person events and surveys were completed. This input informed both the ordinance expansion and the two motions (providing incentives, education, guidance) intended to support compliance.
  • The proposed updates align Glendale with the goals and timelines of our neighbor Burbank’s waste reduction regulations ordinance


Speak at City Council:
City Hall, Tuesday, January 28. Meeting begins at 6 p.m.
This is item 8d. To speak, please fill out a comment card upon arrival and wait until the item is being discussed. At the top of the card, write: “I support item 8D-  the expansion of the plastics ordinance and both motions” (in case you need to leave, get your message on the card itself.)

Call In when item 8d is up:
(818) 937-8100 – ask to speak on item 8d.
Watch here to follow along (but note, there is a 30 sec. lag, so focus on what you hear in your phone):

Email All Council Members in Advance (as well as the City Clerk and some staff):

You can use the above email or send individual emails:
Mayor Elen Asatryan:
Dan Brotman:
Vartan Gharpetian:
Ardy Kassakhian:
Ara Najarian:


Note – Scheduling changes can and do occur. We try to keep this post updated if things change, but please consult the city website for official agendas.




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