FAQ re GWP’s Proposal for the Scholl Biogas Plant

FAQ re GWP’s Proposal for the Scholl Biogas Plant
Members of the Glendale Environmental Coalition Steering Committee have submitted comments on the PR-DEIR for the Grayson Repowering Project.
Plus two additional ways to express opposition to the proposed Scholl Canyon Biogas Project.
This week at City Council: Submission of a Cal Fire grant for 500 Trees for South Glendale, rejection of single bid received for 12K line upgrades and reissue of bid, purchase of two used CNG trash trucks and consideration of 10 month extension on the moratorium on issuance of entitlements or permits for new hotel construction.
This week at the Sustainability Commission: Developing Building Electrification, Photovoltaic Infrastructure and EV Charging Reach Codes for the City of Glendale; Earth Day 2022 Action Plan; Climate Action and Adaptation Plan Update
The September Memo Update on Glendale’s Clean Energy Programs is out! Read on to see how the various projects are progressing.
Last Thursday, Governor Newsom announced CalGem’s draft rule requiring new oil and gas well drilling to have 3,200ft (~1km) setbacks from homes, schools, community centers and other sensitive receptors.
This week at City Council, Edible Food Recovery Services contract, Feasibility of Dog Parks, Senate Bill 9 and Preservation & Reuse of Rockhaven Sanitarium.
This week at City Council, consideration of: an Environmentally Preferable Purchasing policy, RFP to Update the Bicycle Transportation Plan, new “Toter” bins for refuse, recyclables and organic materials, road marking contract, Glendale Recycling Center contract amendment.
This week at the Planning Commission: Consideration of a resolution certifying the Final Environmental Impact Report for a 12 MW energy facility at the Scholl Canyon Landfill, that would utilize a mix of landfill methane and gas. Consideration of a Motion approving the Conditional Use Permit and Special Recreation Review