This week at City Council: CLEAN ENERGY RESOLUTION, GRAYSON REPOWERING PROJECT, plus Glendale Beeline Participation in Metro’s Student Fareless System Initiative Pilot Program known as GoPass

This week at City Council: CLEAN ENERGY RESOLUTION, GRAYSON REPOWERING PROJECT, plus Glendale Beeline Participation in Metro’s Student Fareless System Initiative Pilot Program known as GoPass
If you own an EV (or EVs), consider signing up for GWP’s new Off-Peak EV Charging Rebate program! Help Glendale shave peak loads and avoid investments in gas. Charge from 9pm-12noon weekdays (all day on weekends) and receive $8/monthly as an incentive!
This week at the GWP Commission: Grayson Repowering Project letter from GWP Commission, GWP Budget Overview, Local Clean Distributed Energy Resources Request for Proposal
The Glendale City Council voted unanimously on March 1, 2022, to revise its prior 3-2 vote from February 15, when it approved a $260 million purchase of gas generation equipment. The new vote defers the decision on purchasing the gas equipment until the end of 2022 so that clean energy and other alternatives can be explored.
This week at the GWP Commission: Clean Energy Update, Electric Reliability Report
If not gas, what? We know a lot of folks out there have that question. It is a good question! We all want reliable power. We want that reliable power to be clean. We want that power to not only be reliable, and clean, but also local, so that we have less reliance on importing clean energy through transmission lines.…
At GEC’s Stop Gas at Grayson Again Feb 6 rally, 153 people wrote messages to give to City Council before its February 15 meeting and vote. Here are some excerpts.
This week at City Council: Cost of Service Analysis and Motion providing direction regarding Virtual Power Plant Program with Sunrun, Inc
GEC’s Stop Gas at Grayson Again Rally at Glendale City Hall on Sunday, February 6, was a great success and a great way to be in community with people concerned about the future—Glendale’s and the world’s!
At its meeting February 3, the Sustainability Commission didn’t agree on a recommendation to city council for the Grayson Repowering EIR, with two commissioners questioning GWP’s assumptions, assertion that fossil fuels are needed for reliability, lack of transparency about the Grayson Repowering project’s significant cost impacts to ratepayers or taxpayers.
Your support is needed for the Virtual Power Plant! Up for a vote at City Council on Tuesday, February 8. This is an example of a forward thinking, ground breaking clean energy project that can bring great pride to Glendale and our utility.
The GWP Commission voted unanimously at its meeting January 31, 2022 to recommend certification of the Grayson Repowering Project FEIR and the project’s Alternative 7. GEC will keep pushing for more clean energy and a better plan for Glendale.
The September Memo Update on Glendale’s Clean Energy Programs is out! Read on to see how the various projects are progressing.
This week at the Sustainability Commission: Equity & Climate Action Plan, GWP Green Power Programs, Legacy Trees Report, Earth Day 2022, Car Sharing Blue LA, Food Waste in Airports & Zero Waste Events
This week at the GWP Commission, a report on Solar and Storage Development at City Owned Properties.