City Council, 6 PM: Verdugo Wash Grant Funds Acceptance & Consultant; 1 PM: Fleet Electrification Plan Update
6 PM: La Crescenta Avenue Rehabilitation Project; Accept Grant Funds for the Electrification of Beeline Bus Fleet and Maintenance Facility
City Council, 6 PM: 2024 Integrated Resource Proposal, Brand Boulevard Complete Streets Project, Grant for 3 Electric Beeline Buses
City Council, 2 PM: \Garden River Bridge Project; 6 PM: Scholl Canyon Perimeter Fencing Replacement Project; CalReycle Application; Ordinance to Prohibit the Use, Distribution and Sale of Polystyrene Products on a Citywide Basis; GWP 2023 Electric Rates Cost of Service Analysis (COSA); Grayson Repowering Project related contracts; City Owned Solar Development Program – Phase 1 Award of Contracts
City Council, 6 PM: Item 7a— Ordinance Banning Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) City-wide & Single Use Bottles and Aseptic Beverage Packaging for City Facilities and Events; Item 8b— Beeline Maintenance Facility Bus Electrification and Parking Deck Design and Management
This week at the GWP Commission: Customer Service Update, Water Supply Report, GWP Budget Presentation, Summer Readiness (High Heat) Report
City Council, 6 PM: Lease Agreement between the City of Glendale and Southern California Edison Company for use of real properties for the purpose of constructing a passive park, City of Glendale Zero-Emission Bus Rollout Plan
This week at the GWP Commission: Public Benefits Program presentation, Energy Briefing presentation
City Council 6 PM: Adoption of REACH CODE ORDINANCE (Building Electrification, Solar Photovoltaic and Electric Vehicle Charging Installations); Final Verdugo Wash Visioning presentation and next steps; RFP for development of a plan to significantly increase solar penetration and develop additional Distributed Energy Resources (DER) in Glendale.
City Council 6 PM: Hollywood Burbank Airport Update; Interum Urgency Ordinance Prohibiting Development of New and Conversion of Existing Drive-throughs; Introduction and Adoption of 2023 Glendale Building and Safety Code; Introduction of REACH CODE ORDINANCE (Building Electrification, Solar Photovoltaic and Electric Vehicle Charging Installations); Commission/Board Term Limits.; Title 30 amendments re: SB9 projects, JADUs and ADUs etc.
6 PM: Beeline Bus Chargers grant award, New Hotel Permits Prohibition Ordinance, Citywide Bicycle Transportation Plan, Vision Zero, La Crescenta Avenue Rehabilitation Project
City Council has TWO sessions this Tuesday. 2 pm: Fleet Electrification Study, Moratorium on New and Conversion of Existing Drive-through lanes and Al Fresco Dining in Private Parking Lots. 6 PM: GWP 2021 Power Source Disclosure, Grant to electrify the Beeline, Burbank Airport Vacancy and SCHOLL BIOGAS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS
This online workshop will review the proposed building ordinances and provide interactive sessions for attendees to share their suggestions, provide feedback, and ask any questions.
This week at the Sustainability Commission: Land Acknowledgement; Reach Codes – Building Electrification, Photovoltaic (PV), and Electric Vehicles (EV); Greywater Corps Presentation
This week at City Council: CLEAN ENERGY RESOLUTION, GRAYSON REPOWERING PROJECT, plus Glendale Beeline Participation in Metro’s Student Fareless System Initiative Pilot Program known as GoPass