If not gas, what?

If not gas, what? We know a lot of folks out there have that question. It is a good question! We all want reliable power. We want that reliable power to be clean. We want that power to not only be reliable, and clean, but also local, so that we have less reliance on importing clean energy through transmission lines.…

Sustainability Commission split on Grayson FEIR

At its meeting February 3, the Sustainability Commission didn’t agree on a recommendation to city council for the Grayson Repowering EIR, with two commissioners questioning GWP’s assumptions, assertion that fossil fuels are needed for reliability, lack of transparency about the Grayson Repowering project’s significant cost impacts to ratepayers or taxpayers.

No New Gas at Grayson AGAIN

The Grayson Repowering Project is back in new form, with investments in 93 MW–101 MW of new or refurbished gas-burning equipment proposed as part of the project. Join your community to advocate for clean energy solutions and say no to new gas at Grayson, again.