Glenoaks Canyon Homeowners Association Landfill Committee Chair / GEC member Jackie Gish sent the following email on February 16, 2022, to City Council members about Glendale Water and Power’s 2022 Electric Cost of Service Analysis (COSA).
Glenoaks Canyon Homeowners Association Landfill Committee Chair / GEC member Jackie Gish sent the following email on February 16, 2022, to City Council members about Glendale Water and Power’s 2022 Electric Cost of Service Analysis (COSA).
By a 3-2 vote, Glendale City Council certified the Grayson Repowering FEIR. With another 3-2 vote, they approved the report’s Alternative 7, which includes five new fossil fuel burning engines at an estimated cost of $260 million, along with a battery energy storage system. Council has agreed to consider amending the project approval in two weeks.
If not gas, what? We know a lot of folks out there have that question. It is a good question! We all want reliable power. We want that reliable power to be clean. We want that power to not only be reliable, and clean, but also local, so that we have less reliance on importing clean energy through transmission lines.…
This week at City Council: GRAYSON REPOWERING PROJECT Final EIR certification and recommendations for project components, including up to 101 MW of new gas equipment.
This week at City Council: Cost of Service Analysis and Motion providing direction regarding Virtual Power Plant Program with Sunrun, Inc
At its meeting February 3, the Sustainability Commission didn’t agree on a recommendation to city council for the Grayson Repowering EIR, with two commissioners questioning GWP’s assumptions, assertion that fossil fuels are needed for reliability, lack of transparency about the Grayson Repowering project’s significant cost impacts to ratepayers or taxpayers.
The GWP Commission voted unanimously at its meeting January 31, 2022 to recommend certification of the Grayson Repowering Project FEIR and the project’s Alternative 7. GEC will keep pushing for more clean energy and a better plan for Glendale.
This week at City Council: Participation in the California Arrearage Payment Program (CAPP) and California Water and Wastewater Arrearage Payment Program (CWWAPP}; Consideration of Interim Urgency Ordinance Regarding Senate Bill 9 Housing Development and Lot Split Projects and Senate Bill 478 Floor Area Ratio Standards; Emergency ordinance extension of ordinance prohibiting issuance of entitlements and/or permits for hotels; Update on the Transit Electrification Study
This week at City Council: GWP’s Appeal of Planning Commission’s denial of Conditional Use Permit and Special Recreation Review regarding a proposed SCHOLL BIOGAS PROJECT, Traffic Signal Modifications, and Emergency ordinance extension of ordinance prohibiting issuance of entitlements and/or permits for hotels.
FAQ re GWP’s Proposal for the Scholl Biogas Plant
Members of the Glendale Environmental Coalition Steering Committee have submitted comments on the PR-DEIR for the Grayson Repowering Project.
Plus two additional ways to express opposition to the proposed Scholl Canyon Biogas Project.
This week at City Council: Submission of a Cal Fire grant for 500 Trees for South Glendale, rejection of single bid received for 12K line upgrades and reissue of bid, purchase of two used CNG trash trucks and consideration of 10 month extension on the moratorium on issuance of entitlements or permits for new hotel construction.
The September Memo Update on Glendale’s Clean Energy Programs is out! Read on to see how the various projects are progressing.
This week at the Sustainability Commission: Equity & Climate Action Plan, GWP Green Power Programs, Legacy Trees Report, Earth Day 2022, Car Sharing Blue LA, Food Waste in Airports & Zero Waste Events